Chapter 14

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"omg Noah I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sAy that" I say on the verge of tears. Noah sits still and says nothings "hey Noah listen it was a mistake. "do you still like him" he says silently. "no-no" I say "please Noah" he just sits down like a young child who didn't get his way with a sulk on his face. "I'll just go" I said with tears whilst pulling myself together to go home.

ughh this is going to be a long walk. Bro it's -4° I only have a mf loose top on ffs. It's 12:32am knowone is going to pick me up omggg. Oh wait jaden had late baseball practice let me try and ask him this won't end well.
me- hey I know we aren't on best terms but can u pick me up and drive me home
jaden🤡-I would love too cys in 2

Omg this is going to be a long drive "hey beautiful" I hear him say "don't talk to me please just put the radio on and drive" I say "okay yeah that's cool... just so you know I am really sorry and I didn't realise what I was doing I was drunk Olivia" he says sad "mmmk" I say annoyed "you know Olivia I do..did really lo-ove you and I would do anything to get u back" he says with trust "you-u did?" I say confused "of course I did Olivia did u not see" he says sad "anyway where here cya at school" I get out the car and close the door and slowly walk to my bedroom.

What have I done I'm so stupid I just wanna cryyy. God I'm so sorry Noah you are too kind you deserve better than me, but I like you I like both of you.

God where is scarlett when you need her. Ugh I'll just go sleep and try and start fresh tommorow.

I got up early and showered then straightened my hair and done my makeup

I got up early and showered then straightened my hair and done my makeup

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I got into my outfit and ran out the door for school. God I'm so happy it's Friday.
I got on the bus and got to school.

I planned my day first I was gonna go talk to scarlett and apologise for being off to her. Then next I'm going to speak to Noah then jaden, I plan on going to none of my lessons as I won't be able to concentrate and it gives me more time to speak to everyone.

I enter school and make my way straight to scarlett "hey scar" I say quietly. She looks at me and says nothing "I'm sorry, I overreacted I understand want I did was wrong and I'm realising I do need you in my life" I say, she smiles then pulls me in for a big hug "it's okay Olivia u where just in the moment" she says whilst pulling me out our hug. "Okay I'm going to class but I will speak to you later bye" she says whilst going to her chemistry class."bye"

Okay Scarlett's done now it's Noah god kill me now. I slowly approach Noah and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and god it looks like he hasn't slept in years "hey Noah, I'm—" "shhhh Olivia trust me it's fine just forget about it, I should of not invited u over if I know ur feeling for jaden where there so it's my fault now u can go" he says it in a loud annoyed tone. "Noah please" I say begging for forgiveness "it's okay cya"

God okay that went ish now the worst one. I breathe in then out "hey jade—n" wow he is talking to Katie.

you know what I'm not going to speak to jaden I'm actually going to go home, I storm out the school doors and cry.

"Heyy Olivia" slow down I hear a man's voice say, I turn around and say "what what do u want" he pulls me close and hugs me "I'm sorry Olivia i am sorry."

A/n- sorry this is a short part I thought it just fit well anyway put some ideas for what I should add next as I need help lol anyway have a good weekend ❤️

Mine-jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now