Chapter 5

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"woah"I say "now that was madness" I go into the kitchen and grab some water I turn the tap on and feel a cold hand on my waist I turn around and see a tall man with dark black hair I prayed it would be jaden but no it was fucking noah "fuck sake" I yell "my bad" he says in a confused voice "why the fuck are you grabbing me what is your problem" I yell loud enough for everyone to turn. "I just always wanted to feel your waist against mine" he ahs drunkly.

"Noah stop fucking drinking are you mad don't fucking grab me like that" as soon as I said that jaden comes in "what did I just hear you say Olivia, was someone fucking touching you" he says angrily "fuck uh no it's okay jaden calm down" I say reassuring him I'm okay "no Olivia knowone can fucking touch you like that" Noah gets up and faces him and says "what the fuck you gonna do about it" this jumps jaden up and a soon as he is about to swing javon holds jaden back and brings him to the living room where knowone is as pretty much the whole school just watched Noah and jaden almost get in a physical fight.

I grab myself a whole glass of alcohol as that shit stressed tf out me I had roughly 6 cups of this stuff that I defo was drunk but not drunk enough to forget things. I walk into the living room to see Katie hugging jaden I lost my shit I'm telling you when I pulled a mf maddie I jumped on this bitch and yelled in her face. Me and jaden weren't dating but I was jealous and had huge feelings I'm pretty sure it's obvious now that people think I like him and this is embarrassing as fuck but I don't care are screams are loud enough for people to hear. Jaden and javon keep getting pushed away when they try and grab us apart from eachother as we both want to do this.

"GET OFF ME YOU FUCKING BITCH" Katie yells "NAHHH YOU BITCH THIS IS MY 7th GRADE REVENGE" I yell. Katie nails are so mf long they give me a scar across the face and I  fucking slide tackled this bitch to the ground she pissed me so off trying get with two boys I've had a crush on. Laying it thick infront of me she messed with the wrong bitch.

"GIRLS STOP IT NOW" Scarlett's brother says coming down the stares. People are filming like loads of people everyone knows me and Katie aren't fond of eachother she made it clear to everyone when she chat some much shit about me on insta calling me a "whore, bitch and slag" I chose to avoid her but this is my revenge. Scarlett's brother Marcus gets me off her and tells  me to go to the bathroom. Jaden is following and is there to help me he tells me to sit up on the counter and he will get me a towel and bandage.

He is so close to me right now I can smell his cologne mmmm it was beautiful he was beautiful "hey liv why did you fight Katie when you saw her hugging me" he says confused "pffftttt jaden isn't it obvious" I say "no not really one minute you hate me the next you say you care for me" he replies "okay the truth is that jaden eeer" jaden looks up In my eyes and silently says "do you want me to finish it for you" he says, "mhmmm" I reply then suddenly his warm soft lips touch mine and we kiss for a solid amazing 30 seconds. My heart well my heart was beating so fast you have no idea.

We both look in eachother eyes "so we both felt the same" he says "I guess so" I giggle and then I kiss him this time. I feel like I can't get enough of those amazing lips I already see me falling for him. "Come on let's go downstairs" he says.

I'm so happy I get to hold jadens hand and I get to hug him and kiss him as much as I like because I now know I get to basically owe him. I would say I am psychopath as if I don't get my way I get mad. I stalk people alot and I mean a lot. I am the jealous type of person as you may know but who isn't.

Mine-jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now