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𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗢𝗡𝗘 ╱ fate of the fukunagas

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     Sayuri holds her chubby hands over her mouth to prevent even the smallest of noises from escaping, squeezing her eyes shut. Her baby pink kimono just barely covers her freezing toes nestled into her zōri, she'd forgotten to leave the house with socks on.

     "Yuriii? Where are you?" A silky voice coos to the young child in hiding, and their thick shoes crunch against the frozen dew adorning the yard, "-It's too early for these games! You'll freeze baby-"

     Nono, that wasn't any good! Sayuri didn't want to get frozen in her hiding place forever! She sniffles, frightened, and stands up to reach out for her mother, who is instantly padding over and running soft hands up and down her daughter's chilled arms,

     "Sayuri, you know the rules. It's too dangerous to be outside alone, especially on a chilly morning. What if something came and got you, all frozen stiff?"

     "Mama..." A few warm tears slip down her cheeks in fear of something snatching her away from her home. Surely no one in their village was that cruel? Besides, she'd have to take over her parent's business of clothesmaking once they were too old to continue. Why would anyone take Sayuri? "-I just wanted to play!"

     "Then we'll go to the big field with all the other children later, alright?" Michi Fukunaga holds her daughter's hand and walks with her inside of their small traditional Minka. A large hearth took up the center of the room while the fire burned graciously and provided warmth to those living in the home. The savory smell of breakfast floods Sayuri's nostrils and she sees the ingredients held in a pot over the hearth. Her mother always made the tastiest meals.

     Once sat down and wrapped in a thick wool blanket, Michi watches Sayuri feast on her cooking and drink steaming tea to ensure the youngest didn't catch a cold. It was too easy to lose a child in the harsh winter season, and even if it were just the beginning of the cooling temperatures, the mother wasn't going to ease up on her precautions.

      "I don't wanna go see the other children," Sayuri admits between two cheeks stuffed with food. Michi worries at this, wondering if they were saying mean things... or hurting her... or-

     "They told me my hair is ugly! But I really like it... so they can't say that if I never see them!"

     "Yuri, your hairstyle is just more unique than theirs, that's the only reason they say that. You should wear it proudly, besides, I think it's adorable," Michi steps across the room and plops down behind her child, gently taking one of the long strands of hair to braid it gently, "-Remember how this happened?"

𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐄𝐒 𐑺 ֗ ִ ˖ kimetsu no yaibaWhere stories live. Discover now