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𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗘 ╱ the dojo

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     "Is this the correct place Miso?" Sayuri lifts up an arm for the crow to perch on, stroking his shiny feathers. With a squawk of affirmation, the adolescent takes in her surroundings. It was a very beautiful one, after all.

     Hundreds of cherry blossom petals sifted to the gravel-pathed village she was about to enter. Light and warm breezes swirled the little pink leaflets in every direction imaginable before they hit the ground, young children running outside in their wake. Young women chattered as they walked down the streets, pointing and blushing at the males they passed with sweet crushes on their minds. Adults and elders worked in their yards, small enough to fit each home side by side to line up the roads. The sky was especially blue today, without any clouds, projecting sunshine onto the smiling faces of the village folk. 

      If Sayuri were younger, she would've never suspected a hideous creature to be lurking in the shadows, waiting to find its nightly prey. Now, she could sense the above-average heart rates of the people living here and took special note of the weapons sitting out on the front porches. Rifles and swords alike, though none specially crafted for killing demons. The nichirin sword upon her waist would deal with matters soon enough, as soon as she did the necessary searching.

     "Excuse me," Another adolescent, likely a few years older than Sayuri considering his height, walks up to greet her, "-Welcome to our cozy village! I'm Fumihito, the local doctor. Is there anything you're visiting for?"

     "My name is Sayuri Fukunaga, I'm here for the beast that's been hurting your people."

     "They decided to send a Demon Slayer? I figured it'd only be a matter of time," Fumihito begins to lead Sayuri through the main street, the inviting smile on his face turning sour with regret, "-Three of the students at our dojo have been attacked, each in a different location. We've been fortunate to have someone close by each time, the demon just runs away after getting caught."

     "Running away? That's interesting..." Sayuri's slender fingers brush against the hilt of her sword in thought. It must be a pretty weak demon if it scrambled away from more than one person, and also attacked younger children. Though if they were all from the dojo... why was that a pattern in its movements?

     "I don't mean to overwhelm you so fast! I'm honestly just grateful you've shown up! Let me buy you a meal before night falls, as a thank you?" Fumihito was just about as awkward as Sayuri had once been, especially after being on Mount Sagiri for so long. Luckily, the girl had outgrown most of her unknowingness and rather enjoyed being in the presence of others. Every so often she'd wonder if Giyuu had done the same.

𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐄𝐒 𐑺 ֗ ִ ˖ kimetsu no yaibaWhere stories live. Discover now