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𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗥𝗧𝗘𝗘𝗡 ╱ kagaya ubuyashiki

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     Mirai's eyes traced her teacher from the left of the room, to the right, and back to the left. Wet, unbraided brown hair slopped against the woman's skin as she paced back and forth, eyes glazed in a panic. Blue and white linens flew up in the air from her haori, and it reminded the young girl of a foggy morning.


     No response, something very out of character for Sayuri, someone who cared so deeply for those around her that she'd attend to any mention of herself. Mirai looks over at Miso, who was preening his feathers in an attempt to neaten his appearance with the help of Ame.

     "The Hashira can't be that scary, right?" Sayuri's head finally flicks over at Mirai's mention of the highest-ranking Demon Slayers, an anxious chill shaking through her body.

     "Mirai, these people are sent to eliminate the twelve directly under Muzan. The masters of their breathing techniques, who've slain over 50 demons or at least one of the Twelve Kizuki. It took four of us to take down Hairo, and I can say that was mostly Rengoku."

     "That's so not true!" Mirai huffs, "You were right behind him the whole time, I don't think he can take all the glory. Besides, it wasn't just him invited to the meeting."

     Sayuri collapses against a bookshelf dramatically, sliding down with a whine and pulling her haori close,

     "I'm going to embarrass myself!"

     "Sensei!" Mirai grumbles and stomps in front of Sayuri with furrowed eyebrows. The older looks up with a pout, and Mirai reaches to set a hand on either of her cheeks to squish them with concentration, "-You've got this! The Hashira should be nervous to be in your presence! Just tell yourself that!"

     Letting go, Sayuri lets out a deep breath and is helped back to her feet by her Tsuguko. Oh, what wonders the bright, young, and innocent mind could do to someone with such guilt and doubt enlaced in their every thought. The girl had set brows and made sure to give a look that made her sensei know she was completely serious.

     "I'm not sure what's come over me, perhaps the thought of it all so soon after recovery made my stomach ill with nerve. I'll make sure to report any details to you, I promise. Well, if it's allowed... I suppose."

     "And if there are any cuteee ones!" Mirai teases, just to ensure the woman laughed at least once. It was a skill she had gotten fairly good at in their time together. It works according to plan when her mentor flushes with soft laughter,

𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐄𝐒 𐑺 ֗ ִ ˖ kimetsu no yaibaWhere stories live. Discover now