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𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗙𝗢𝗨𝗥 ╱masters of water

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     "Have we not reached Sagiri Mountain yet?" Sayuri's voice drawls exhausted, treading carefully over tree roots for the umpteenth time this month. This month out many long and tiresome ones. Sometimes they were full of rain, and other times the temperature would be just cold enough for faint snowflakes to fall to the ground. It was a pretty sight, sure, but the young girl realized over time how much she developed the desire to be away from the harsh elements day in and day out.

     Along with this, there was a constant yearning to learn more about the Demon Slayer Corps and to meet whoever it was on Sagiri Mountain that would teach her their ways. She'd only learned a bit from Miso, who seemed to be rather mute unless giving directions or alerting Sayuri of any danger. She didn't even know what specific day it was, they were bleeding together. However, this gave her time to fully focus on Total Concentration Breathing, which almost always was withheld in her body at all times. It took a couple of months to try and master it when sleeping and the added distractions of nightmares, but after long hours spent meditating, everything within the girl could soothe enough to conquer it. Occasionally, a large fright would kick her out of using the breathing technique, but it happened less and less as time passed.

     Sayuri had also developed a special connection with the clouds, as odd as it may sound. But it was similar to that first experience she had months ago in the forest clearing before the large storm. Like she was using the techniques embedded secretly into the large puffs of white, moving as they did to remain stealthy and at an advantage over obstacles she faced. But this also meant she had trouble descending off the mountains because the air was heavier, and Sayuri wasn't surrounded by familiar parts of nature. She had to carry what she practiced up high, down low. It was difficult with no proper direction. That was why she made this journey in the first place.

     "Watch your step! We have arrived!" Miso caws from above and gives one last direction before leaving the girl to her own devices, "Find Sakonji Urokodaki in a small cottage!"

     "Miso?" Sayuri sighs at his absence, she'd grown very attached to him. She kicks a stick up confused, "-Watch my... step?" The stick collides with a near-invisible string and the next thing Sayuri sees is darkness.

     Sabito was winning, again. Sometimes the boy wondered if he should go easier on Giyuu and allow himself to get stuck with chopping wood. This was the typical job for the loser of their race down Sagiri Mountain and their mentor, Sakonji Urokodaki, needed the wood to keep the small cottage warm and food cooked for his apprentices. It was considered a rewarding punishment, at best, but the children couldn't say it felt nice after a tough day of avoiding obstacle over obstacle.

𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐄𝐒 𐑺 ֗ ִ ˖ kimetsu no yaibaWhere stories live. Discover now