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𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗛𝗥𝗘𝗘 ╱finding your way.

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     It had been a month since then. Since Sayuri witnessed the slaughter of her parents and was branded as a murderer. She'd created a living amongst the clouds swirling about the highest mountains, accompanied by the kasugai crow of a deceased demon slayer. She'd dubbed him Miso, after her all-time favorite food, though regretting this decision as her tummy rumbled for the hundredth time calling him from where he was perched on a tree.

     "Miso!" Sayuri's voice had become lighter, and while no longer holding the cheer it once had, there was something gravelly mature to its sound. The feeling of a heavy burden floated around her words and her aura as weeks had passed since her decaying parents left her alone and miserable. Though Miso did his best, he was still a crow who had to report to the Demon Slayer Corps HQ. He'd been given permission to assist the young girl and her venture to Sagiri Mountain, which seemed to be months away at this rate.

     "Keep practicing! Your breaths are weak!" Miso caws sharply, fluttering and messing up the misty hair of the eleven-year-old. Sayuri pushes him away stubbornly and frowns, sitting on a large cool rock and toying with her haori. Eyebrows knit together in thought,

     "I'm not getting any better at this... Total Concentration Breathing. We're basically hiding in the clouds, there's not enough air-"

     "Use this to your advantage! You have yet to learn established techniques, listen and feel, not complain! I'm off!" The bird is gone within a minute of the conversation, likely going to fetch the pair some food and supplies for a rainstorm that threatened the edge of the mountain. It'd likely hit by midnight, meaning Sayuri would once again be subjected to the freezing fat raindrops smacking against her pale skin all night. She'd grown to dislike the rain from her time tucked into makeshift shelters to try and avoid it.

     There were things that she'd learned to appreciate and love, however, from being alone and more or less... always awake. If she were sleeping, bloody images from the past tainted her dreams and licked at her eyelids like vicious creatures awaiting her asleep state. Dark circles under her eyelids proved this struggle for peaceful rest, something Sayuri hoped to regain one day.

     Newfound activities had soothed the unrest within the troubled child, though majorly boring to most her age. Sayuri would lay on rocks warmed by the sun on days clouds soared above her head, trying to pick out shapes and create stories out of what she witnessed. One had been of a duckling searching far and wide for his siblings, finding them amongst a pair of gentle fawns who didn't care if he was just a duckling.

     She also enjoyed meditating, as it proved useful to clear her mind of the debilitating doubts and horrors creeping their way in. It strengthened her resolve and put mental barriers in her mind, boxing all the bad memories into one corner whilst she tried to better herself for the training she'd undergo to become a demon slayer. Miso had brought her a small care package from the home she once resided in, a small letter attached and written in near chicken scratch,

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