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𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 𝗧𝗪𝗘𝗟𝗩𝗘 ╱ hairo: lower two ( pt two )

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     After witnessing the building both Sayuri and Rengoku were fighting on going up into pieces, both their students shouted for them in shock, unsure if they could even survive such a blast. Mitsuri, like her sensei, didn't let this thought dull the fire in her heart and instead grabbed hold of Mirai's hand and began running as fast as her legs could carry her,

     "We need to defuse the bombs before more go off!" Braids fly in her speedy travels, Mirai tripping over her own feet before being able to keep up steadily. The pair of girls barely make it one block before a sickening presence flashes behind them, Mirai turning to see a half-formed head staring them down. Jumping back and drawing her sword, the demon grabs onto Mitsuri's back braid, using it to slam her head against the brick street. Green eyes haze over at the impact all but momentarily before she tries to get back up, only to have the barrel of a gun directed at her forehead.

     "So you're his underling huh?" Lower Two snickers at the sprawled-out girl underneath his weapon, "You've even got ugly hair like him! Watch it."

     He was talking to Mirai, who was preparing to launch an attack whilst he was distracted. Though it was all for nothing as two more firearms arise from a black sludge in the ground, ready to fire at the Mizunoto. Mirai grits her teeth and snarls at the demon,

     "Stop using your blood art and fight us like a properly! This is cheap!"

     "Oh? Your little teacher must've thought the same thing before I blew her to bits!" It grumbles out delighted and rocks the barrel back against Mitsuri, "-Don't worry. He's alive because of that woman, but only just barely! But you mustn't die so easily! I want my revenge to be painful for him!"

     It seemed he had no interest in Mirai, as another puddle of sludge emerges from the brick to become a large shadow-like dog. It snaps its drooling teeth before jumping at the girl, who only has a split second to defend herself with her arm. Then she feels the teeth sink in... pain burning and spreading through her arm like a wildfire.

     "Stupid mutt!" Mirai hisses and rips her now blood-soaked arm away before kicking the dog into the guns pointed at her, two shots going off and sending the weird animal into a puff of smoke. The demon seems unaware of this escape, still drilling into Mitsuri with a long-winded speech of some sort of revenge, his boot getting ready to force her head further into the ground,

     "How pitiful! You Corps members die such pitiful deaths... yet no one admires you or even knows you!"

     When heavy tears well up in Mitsuri's eyes under the demon's boot, Mirai decides charging and distracting the creature would be better than seeing the other cry. She lifts her blade parallel to her shoulders and approaches, only to be beaten by a large and powerful strike against the enemy. Rengoku's flaming haori can be seen flashing before them in his speed,

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