Chapter 5

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Leylani ran out of the house, her cleaning bucket banging against her leg. Her father chased after her, hurling curses and threats. The neighbors turned to watch, but like always, no one bothered to help. He was upset because she could only bring home ninety dollars today. He wanted a hundred. Oh well. If he tried to kill her, there was nothing she could do about it.

She jogged past the train tracks, over to Mrs. Hamilton's house. The day passed by in the same monotonous cycle. She cleaned bathroom after bathroom, until the sun set, painting the sky in hues of auburn and crimson. She made her way to the Gotti household. Richard was waiting for her by the gates, with a bag in hand. He ushered her inside, his eyes panicked.

"What's wrong?"

He put a finger to her lips and pushed her up the stairs. Kiera's familiar voice bounced off the walls. Richard sucked his teeth. "So annoying," he said. He opened the door to a guest bedroom and shoved her in. "Wash up and get changed. Nikolai and I will try to get rid of Kiera." He slammed the door shut.

Leylani blinked. What just happened? She laughed, shaking her head. The Gotti's were so demanding. Richard reminded her of Ms. Victoria. She stripped out of her clothes, wrapped a towel around her body, and stepped into the adjoining bathroom. She turned the knobs in the shower stall, adjusting the water to her liking. As she began unwrapping her towel, a voice rang out.

"B-Before you go any further, you might want to know I'm in here."

Leylani shrieked and whirled around. Massimo lay in a bubble bath, his cheeks blazing crimson. She stepped back, surprised, and slipped on a puddle of water. Her breath caught in her throat as she fell backwards. Wham. Pain shot through her skull. Leylani groaned as her head connected with the tiles. Massimo cursed as she hit the ground. Dark spots danced in her vision. She sat up. Massimo held her face in between his hands. His eyes were swimming with worry.

"Are you okay, love?"

Despite herself, Leylani blushed at his term of endearment. The Gotti men sure have a way with words. Massimo lifted her head. She looked into his eyes. His silver irises were shining with guilt and embarrassment. "P-Please don't look down. I'm not decent," he said.

Leylani's eyes widened, and a fiery blush coated her cheeks. "I-I-I won't." She closed her eyes as Massimo ran to grab a towel.

"Okay, you can look."

She peeked an eye open. Water dripped down Massimo's dark locks and trailed down to his sculpted body. His olive skin glistened in the dim light. Leylani's gaze traveled to his chest, where delicate tattoos sat. Roman numerals on either side, with elegant script beneath them. She couldn't help it. "What do your tattoos mean?"

Massimo chuckled, running a hand through his hair. "Why don't we save that conversation for when we're both decent?" He walked over with his hand extended. Leylani reached up and yelped as Massimo lost his footing and slipped. He slammed into her, pinning her body to the ground. He cursed, his chin knocking into her skull. "Oh," he groaned, rubbing his chin with his free hand. Leylani's body froze and a fiery war blazed in the pit of her stomach as she became hyperaware of the placement of his other hand.

Massimo was blissfully unaware that he was using her chest to prop himself up. "Are you okay?" he asked, looking down at her. His gentle smile fell, replaced by a confused frown. "Hey, what's wrong?"

"C-Can you p-please move your hand?"

"My hand?" Massimo looked down. Horror dawned on his face once he realized he was grabbing onto Leylani's breast. He pushed himself away, his face blazing red. "I am so sorry, love. Please forgive me." He covered his eyes and toppled out of the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

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