Chapter 8

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"Get over here, you stupid bitch!"

Leylani slammed her bedroom door shut and locked it, evading her father's flying fists. There was a hidden rage in his words that wasn't there before. She was used to being thrown against the ground, stomped on, spit on, and received death threats regularly, but tonight there was something in the air she had never felt before.

Boom, boom, boom. His fists pounded against the door, shaking the white panels. Leylani hid in the closet, cowering behind her handful of clothes. She could smell the bloodlust seeping from her father. He would kill her. There was no doubt about it. Leylani usually reveled in the idea of dying, but tonight she found herself wanting to live. She didn't want to die. Especially by her father's hands. It was settled. One of two things would happen tonight. Either she would die, or her father would. Slipping out her switchblade, she decided to give it her all, knowing that even if she died, at least she went down swinging.

The door flew off the hinges. Her father stomped into the room, wielding the extension cord. He looked around the room, his chest puffing as the anger practically dripped off his body. He locked eyes with her through the crack in the door. With an enraged cry, Leylani sprang. She threw open the door and ran at her father, swinging the switchblade around, trying to land a strike. Her father tackled her to the ground. Leylani choked, her breath leaving her as her body slammed against the floor. Barely conscious, her body moved of its own accord, feeding off the adrenaline. She swung her fist towards her father, stabbing him in the leg.

He groaned and pushed himself away. Scarlet blood ran down his leg. He looked up, meeting her eyes. Uh-oh. With a sneer, he charged at her once again. Leylani scurried away, slipping out of the room before he could hit her. He let out a stream of unforgivable curses and stormed after her. She spared a glance behind her. With a wild gleam in his eyes, he whipped the cord around. A sharp pain slapped her back. Leylani screamed as he struck her again. The cord sliced her back, opening the healing wounds. Repeatedly, he whipped her back. Unbearable pain spread through her. Her flesh tore open. Leylani let out a blood-curdling scream as agony clutched at her veins. He raised his hand to strike her again. Leylani grabbed the cord with her hands. Her palms stung as the force of the cord struck her skin.

Tears streamed down her face as her father glared down at her. "You really are worthless," he spat.

Leylani yanked the cord out of his hands, and swung the switchblade again, aiming for his face. "I know," she said.

Her father stepped back, dodging her attacks. Leylani was relentless. Eighteen years' worth of anger and pain finally unleashed, fueling her vengeance. She swung the blade again and again, hoping to slice her father's wrist just as he sliced hers years ago.

Her father's hands shot out and grabbed her arms, immobilizing her. He threw her against the wall. The switchblade fell from her hold. No! He pulled his fist back and struck her in the ribs. Leylani groaned, doubling over. She expelled the contents of her stomach once again as her father picked up the switchblade.

On shaking limbs, Leylani forced herself to stand up, fighting off the fainting spell that was trying to pull her under. She ran down the hall, using the wall to keep her upright. She looked back. Her father trailed after her, limping as the blood ran down his leg. She couldn't help but smile. She finally got him. He raised his arm and swung at her. Her smile fell, and she tried to evade his attack, but she wasn't quick enough. The blade went through her calf. Red hot pain shot through her leg. Leylani screamed and fell forward. An anger she had never felt before surged through her.

With a monstrous roar, she threw out her good leg, slamming it into her father's groin. He fell to the floor, gasping for air. Leylani grabbed the cord and swung down. She struck blow after blow on her father's face, watching in triumph as his skin split, revealing flesh and blood. Her father curled into a ball, cowering behind his arms.

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