Chapter 17

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Thank you all for your patience and kindness throughout my wedding and untimely illness. I hope you enjoy :)

"What are you two doing here?" Nikolai asked, his gaze shifting from Massimo to Kiera.

"Uncle sent us to assist you with your job," Massimo said.

"Stop ignoring me, Nikolai. Tell me what you were about to finish." Kiera's scowl deepened as she looked from Nikolai to Leylani.

"What do you think, Kiera?" Nikolai snapped, yanking his arm from under her tight grip. He strode over to Leylani, taking her hand in his.

Kiera snapped, an animalistic shriek escaping her lips. She pounced, her claw-like nails extended for Leylani. Before she could land a blow, Massimo jumped in front of her, cutting her attack short. The glare he wore frightened Leylani. Malice and bloodlust brewed in the depths of his eyes. Venom coated his words. Hostility dripped with every breath he took.

"Kiera, it seems you have forgotten that Leylani is the new heir to the Gotti family. It would serve you well to keep that in mind before you attempt to strike her again. I will overlook your act of betrayal given the circumstances, but the next time you even look at Leylani the wrong way, I'll leave your body for your father to find."

Kiera's mouth fell open and tears welled in her eyes at Massimo's harsh treatment. Leylani bit back a smile. She wouldn't lie. It was nice seeing Kiera get put in her place. And if she was being honest, seeing Massimo angry was rather attractive. Oh God, I'm such a hoe.

"N-Nikolai! Aren't you going to say anything to Massimo? Look at the way he's speaking to me," Kiera said, pointing an accusatory finger at Massimo.

Nikolai shrugged. "He's just doing his job."

"Don't forget, Kiera, you may be Nikolai's fiance, but you're lower ranked than all three of us," Massimo said.

That seemed to be the last straw. Kiera lunged at Massimo. An anger like she never felt before flowed through Leylani's veins. She shot forward and grabbed Kiera's arm before she could strike Massimo. Kiera stared at her, her face contorted in fury. Leylani applied more pressure, her fist trembling with effort.

"Don't touch him," Leylani seethed.

"You don't get to tell me what to do," Kiera shot back.

"That's an order, Kiera. If you ever touch Massimo or Nikolai against their will again, I will make sure you end up in a ditch." Leylani's voice shook, her rage boiling over.

Kiera yanked her arm away, but didn't try her luck. She looked to Nikolai for support, but Nikolai only grinned, his eyes mocking. Leylani caught his gaze. He threw her a wink, a proud smile playing on his lips.

"That's my girl," he praised.

Massimo cleared his throat, holding his arm out for her. Leylani froze, looking from Massimo to Nikolai. Torn, she hesitated, not knowing who to choose. Massimo decided for her. "Come on, love. Now that Kiera is here, Nikolai must escort her. Allow me to be your date this evening."

Leylani looked at Nikolai. His eyes were hard, but he nodded at her. It seemed their forbidden relationship ended just as quickly as it started. Perhaps this was a sign. She and Nikolai weren't meant to last. With the bitter truth plaguing her mind, she hooked her arm through Massimo's, making her way down to the party.

"You look beautiful, love," Massimo said.

Leylani smiled. "I don't look as half as good as you."

"Oh, please. Everyone's eyes are on you, not me."

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