Chapter 21

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The world was quiet as Leylani crept through the halls, making her way to Massimo's room. To her surprise, his door was open just a crack, revealing two huddled figures who sat just outside the window, on the roof, staring up at the inky black sky, without even the slightest trace of stars to accompany them.
Massimo sniffled and the figure next to him put an arm around him, comforting him.
"I got you, brother." It was Nikolai. Leylani was taken aback by the raw emotion in his voice. She didn't realize the depth of Nikolai's love for Massimo. Seeing as the two were always bickering, she assumed they didn't get on well, but looking at them now, Leylani knew that they would die for each other.
She wanted to comfort Massimo, to relieve him from his pain, but seeing Nikolai with him stopped her. It wasn't her turn to help Massimo, it was Nikolai's. She went back to her room, allowing the two brothers to speak in private. Whatever demons Massimo was battling, Nikolai was sure to lend him his strength to kill them.

The next day, Victoria called Leylani to her office. Massimo was already waiting for her when she arrived.
"Good morning, love. Did you sleep well?" he asked as she walked in.
No. I was worried about you, so I couldn't sleep. "Fine," Leylani lied. "Good morning, Victoria." Leylani took a seat next to Massimo. She couldn't bear to look at him. Even though he did his best to hide it, Leylani could see how much pain he was in. There were still faint traces of red in his irises. His eyes were slightly puffy as if he had been crying all night.
"Good morning, my darling. I'm sure you're wondering why I've called you this morning," Victoria said, taking the cup of tea Richard offered her. "My husband and I have decided that it's time for you to pursue a higher education as well as enhance your training."
"What do you mean?" Leylani asked.
"Your graduation is a few weeks away. We need you to pick a major of your liking. Of course, you will be doing a double major. One in business and the second is whatever you desire."
Leylani's mouth fell open. "I-I can't afford one major, let alone two."
Massimo chuckled. "You've forgotten your new name so easily? You're a Gotti now. No force in the world can keep you from what you want."
Victoria smiled. "It's a gift and a curse, Leylani. So what will it be?"
Leylani's heart soared. She was going to college! It was like a dream come true. Sometimes she would wonder if she would ever make it this far, if she would even live to see eighteen. Not only did she live, but she persevered, and best of all, she was going to be able to chase her dreams.
"Literature, of course," she said.
Victoria beamed at her. "I should have known. After all, it runs in the family." She pointed to Massimo, who ducked his head, embarrassed, then she pointed to Nikolai's journal, which sat on her desk, open.
"Now onto a more serious matter. Massimo will train you every day to get you ready. Even though my husband has agreed to take you off the front lines, it does not guarantee your safety. You're higher ranked now. It won't be long before people know who you are and they will try to take advantage of you. I do not want you to give them the chance. Massimo has agreed to take you under his wing."
Leylani looked to Massimo who gave her an encouraging smile. Leylani smiled back, not being able to help it. Even though he was in pain, he still wore a smile. He was a master masker. Even better than she was. A knock on the door caught the group's attention. Nikolai stood at the door, his jaw clenched.
"Mom. We have a visitor." His gaze flashed to Massimo. Leylani recognized that look right away. Whoever was behind the door was not a friend.
Nikolai pushed the rest of the door open, revealing the man next to him. Even though Leylani had never met him before, it was obvious by the physical similarities he and Massimo shared, that this man was his father.
All was silent as both men stared at each other. No one dared to breathe a word or move a muscle. Leylani watched with bated breath as a battle brewed in the depths of Massimo's eyes. His gaze, which was usually so warm, was now a bitter, cold, storm.
"Hello, son –"
"YOU MURDERER!" Massimo sprang up from his chair and with one hand, threw it across the room, towards his father. Nikolai and Richard both ran forward to keep the two men from battling it out. Massimo lunged towards his father, but Nikolai tackled him to the ground. Richard grabbed Massimo's father around the waist and dragged him out of the room. Like Massimo, his father was fighting to free himself.
"Who are you calling a murderer, boy? She has no one to blame but herself! I warned her, but she didn't listen," he screamed, his voice shaking the walls of the house.
Massimo broke free and charged out of the room. Victoria and Leylani chased after him. Leylani's heart drummed in her chest. Never had she been so frightened before. Not when her father whooped her nor when she plunged underwater to try to claim her life. But seeing Massimo unravel right before her very eyes chilled her down to her core.
"Massimo, don't!" she cried, frightened that he would do something he would later regret. She knew it was foolish to call after him. It was obvious he wouldn't listen, hell if she was chasing her father, she wouldn't listen either, but that wasn't enough to stop her. She ran forward, her hand outstretched for Massimo.
With one last leap, she jumped, grabbing onto his collar. The sudden pull took Massimo by surprise. He fell backward, crashing to the ground in one big heap. Leylani flew over him, slamming into the wall. A sharp pain ran through her head, but she ignored the buzzing and throbbing and crawled over to Massimo who sat up slowly, grabbing fistfuls of his hair.
"What is he doing here?" he asked Victoria, his eyes wide. "He's supposed to be dead! Uncle promised me he would kill him!"
Victoria pulled him into her arms, shushing him. "Breathe, Massimo. All of your questions will be answered in due time. For now, please breathe."
Leylani wrapped her arms around the duo, trying to comfort them as best she could. Massimo's right hand clung to Leylani's waist, his nails digging into her skin. An agonizing cry escaped his lips. Leylani's heart broke at the sound. Massimo deserved better. If killing that man was the way to make him smile then so be it.

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