Chapter 19

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My goal is to complete the story by chapter 30. Enjoy!

The wind rushed through Leylani's hair, tickling her scalp, as Nikolai drove off into the night. The stars shone down on them, guiding them through the city streets towards her new life. Leylani looked back at the Gotti mansion. Once upon a time, she considered this a safe haven away from her father. Little did she know, it would become her prison. But tonight, her captor set her free, granting her a second shot at life.
It was bittersweet knowing that this was the last time she would see Nikolai, but she couldn't help but scream in joy. Her shrieks echoed around her. Nikolai winced. "Damn, darling, you're going to burst my eardrums."
"Shut it, Gotti. I'm surprised they haven't already burst, given the way Kiera screams at you."
"Ew. Please don't talk about her while I'm driving. I don't want to hurl."
Leylani laughed, her tension easing with every mile they drove away from the Gotti mansion. "Where are we going?" she asked.
"Let's have one last adventure before we part ways."
"I'm going to either end up in jail or dead."
"Are you willing to take that risk if it means having the time of your life?"
"No one should live their lives playing by the rules. There's no fun in that," she said, remembering what Nikolai said to her at the carnival. That day seemed like ages ago. Life was simpler then. There were no complicated love triangles, gang leaders, or unwanted engagements. It was simply Nikolai and Leylani. Two unlikely friends who liked to share the depths of their soul through parchment and ink.
Leylani rested her head against Nikolai's back, breathing him in. She didn't want to let him go. When she was with him, everything felt right. Though the world was in shambles and their relationship unattainable, in this moment, she was complete. She was happy.
Happiness wasn't something that was so easily attainable for her. Life at home, even when her mother was alive, wasn't always picture perfect. Her father had always been an alcoholic. A couple of slaps here and there never bothered her, but once her mother passed, her life became a living hell. Her writing was the only thing that provided her comfort. With no friends or family to turn to, she was completely alone. That is, until Nikolai walked into her life.
He came into her life as nothing but a curious onlooker who slowly turned into a secret guardian, then ally, then friend, and finally enemy. But after all they had been through together, Nikolai proved that the man who wrapped her wounds, gave her backpacks and books still existed. They may not have had a happy journey but through it all, he proved that he was worthy of forgiveness. As he pulled up to their destination, Leylani knew in her heart, she forgave him. No matter how much she yelled at him, how much she cussed and fought, she forgave him months ago.
Like her, he was broken, but unlike her, he was weak. While she turned to herself and her journal for an escape, he turned to her. She didn't think what he did was right by any means, but it wasn't something she would hold against him. Not anymore at least. Nikolai Gotti had redeemed himself.
"Come on, darling. One last time, for old time's sake." He held his hand out for her to take.
With her heart leaping with excitement, she took his hand and followed him up the emergency staircase, up to the roof of the building. Months ago, they had been chased out of this building by security. She wondered if they'd be so lucky to escape again.
"What are you going to spray paint this time?" she asked.
Leylani's cheeks blazed as he turned to look at her. Even in the dim light, with just the moon to light up his enchanting eyes, she could see the adoration in them. Never in her life did she think she was worthy of being loved, and here Nikolai stood, all but seeping with love for her. Tears welled in her eyes as the bittersweet truth caught up to her again. This was it. This was goodbye. She hated that it hurt so bad, but it was for the best.
"What about you, darling? What are you going to make?"
His cheeks turned a bright shade of pink. "Make me look pretty, will you?"
"Come on, Gotti, don't ask for the impossible."
"Shut it, Garcia." He gave her a playful shove.
Leylani smiled at him, enjoying the spark in his eyes. He was happy. She prayed that his happiness would last. He didn't ask to be a part of the Gotti business. It wasn't fair that his fate was sealed because of the blood that ran through his veins. Nikolai, like everyone else, deserved to be loved and be with the one that makes him happy. Kiera wasn't good enough for him, nor would she ever be.
"I really hope you get to be with someone you love," Leylani said.
"I am, darling. Right now, at least."
Leylani's heart skipped a beat. Screw it. She threw her arms around him, clinging to him, afraid that if she let go, he would disappear. She wasn't ready to let him go. He returned her affections and wrapped his muscular arms around her, pulling her close. His fingers caressed her hair and lower back.
"I know I've never said it before so I'll say it now. I love you, Leylani Garcia," he said.
Leylani froze in his hold. She knew he cared for her. Hell, it was obvious he was in love with her. If that kiss in Italy hadn't proved so, what would? Even so, as the words escaped his lips, it felt as if the world had stopped spinning. Everything froze. Her heart seemed to stop beating and her blood rushed through her ears, making her brain go fuzzy. Or maybe it was the overwhelming happiness that turned her mind into mush. She didn't fight the tears. This was the first time in her life, she cried out of happiness. Someone loved her! Nikolai actually loved her! Little, old, useless, her.
Nikolai leaned down, kissing her head. "Heart, body, mind, and soul. Every fiber of your being is my weakness. I know I can't have you, and I know we can never be together, but I'll be damned if I let you go without telling you how I feel."
Leylani held him even tighter. She couldn't bring herself to breathe, let alone say it back, but Nikolai only chuckled at her reaction. "It's okay, darling. If I was in your shoes, I wouldn't know what to do either. It's not every day, someone as handsome as me confesses their love. I'm sure you must be pinching yourself to see if you're dreaming."
Leylani reached up and pinched his cheek.
"Damn, girl!" Nikolai jumped back, his hand reaching up to his face. Crescent shaped marks sat on his cheek.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," said a sudden voice.
Leylani froze. Her blood ran cold at the familiar voice. Nikolai's smile faded and the happiness in his eyes disappeared. He took her hands in his, intertwining their fingers. "What brings you here, dad?" he asked, turning to face his father, who stood by the emergency stairs.
Leylani turned. Mr. Gotti stood across them, a grim frown on his face. "Even though Leylani is the new heir, my men are still loyal to me. Until I hand over my title to her officially, they will obey me, not you nor her. It's only natural they inform me if my heir is escaping with my son's help."
"How?" Nikolai asked the very question that was on Leylani's mind. How did they get caught? Massimo and Nikolai ensured that those who were on watch duty were knocked out. There was no way they left anybody untouched.
"I installed hidden cameras when you brought Leylani home. It's not that I didn't trust you, Leylani, rather it was my own son. He, who could bring a stranger into the house just to escape from his own fate, proved to me that he wasn't worthy of trust." Mr. Gotti said.
"Don't think you've won. Just because you found us doesn't mean you're taking her home. I intend to free her if it's the last thing I do," Nikolai said.
"Go ahead. Free her. Just know that if you do, she won't be alive for very long."
Nikolai pulled Leylani behind him, shielding her with his body. "I won't let you touch her."
Leylani's heart drummed in her chest as the hostility brewing between the two men bubbled over.
"I won't touch her. Believe it or not, Nikolai, but I consider Leylani to be a member of this family. The first day she came to clean the bathrooms, Victoria couldn't stop talking about her. I knew then that this young woman would become a daughter to her, so I let Victoria latch onto her, knowing that I would keep this young woman safe, because if she was ever harmed, Victoria's heart would break, and I'll be damned if my wife sheds a tear." Mr. Gotti said, his voice rising with every word he spoke.
Mr. Gotti's fists clenched as he took deep breaths to calm himself. "But all of my hopes burned to ash the moment you brought her home and revealed to her the true nature of this family. The second she stepped foot into the house knowing who we were, it was all over. It didn't matter how careful I was because you so recklessly put her life in danger."
Mr. Gotti stormed towards Nikolai, but Nikolai didn't step back. He met his father, head on.
"I'll keep her safe, just let her go," Nikolai said.
"You would try to keep her safe and I know you, son. You would do anything and everything to keep her safe, even give your own life, but I will not allow my wife to lose not just one but both of her children in one night. Eventually our enemies will find you and they will kill you. If you leave this family, keep in mind, you lose the protection that comes with it." Mr. Gotti pulled Nikolai into his embrace.
Leylani had been so focused on Mr. Gotti's use of "both of her children" that she hadn't realized Nikolai was crying. Mr. Gotti shushed him, stroking his son's back.
"I'm sorry, son. I understand your desperation. You must have been in terrible pain to have forced Leylani to be the next heir. I don't want to hurt you two anymore, so allow me to make amends."
Nikolai pulled back, sniffling. Leylani held his hand, giving it a squeeze. Mr. Gotti's gaze snapped down to their intertwined fingers then back to Nikolai. "Come home, where you two are safe."
Nikolai opened his mouth to protest but Mr. Gotti put his hand up, silencing him. "Hear me out. Come home and I promise that Leylani will no longer have to work on the front lines. Instead, Massimo will take her place, but she is still the next heir. Leylani will be the brains and Massimo will be the brawn."
"Why would Massimo agree to this?" Nikolai asked.
"Why wouldn't he? His hopes and dreams were shattered long ago. He has no reason to decline," Mr. Gotti said.
Leylani's heart shattered. Poor Massimo! How easily Mr. Gotti spoke of his pain and heartbreak. What was it that broke Massimo? What sins had he committed to make him this way?
"Well, darling? What do you think?" Nikolai asked, peeking down at her. "You want to take the deal?"
Leylani turned the idea over in her mind. Of course, her first impulse was to say no and jump off the building, but there was another part of her – the more rational part – that urged her to take the deal. She wouldn't have to work on the front lines anymore, her life wouldn't be in immediate danger, but she would still be the next heir, meaning all of the decisions would fall to her. She cringed, knowing that the slightest mistake made on her end could be deadly, but would this life be worse than her previous one?
Life with her father wasn't picture perfect. He abused her constantly and forced her to work to pay the bills. He didn't provide her with three meals everyday, and the mere thought of taking a shower at home would end in disaster. If she dared to use even a drop of water, all hell would break loose. Her home was never her home. School was more home than life with her father ever was. At school, she could take showers, have three meals, and hide in the library, taking in its warmth, before it was time to go back to hell. As much as Leylani wished for a way out, she knew no matter what, her life with the Gotti's would always trump her old life. And so, it was bittersweet taking Mr. Gotti's hand and letting him lead her away from the old Leylani Garcia.
She would have everything she could ever dream of. Meals whenever she wanted. A sturdy roof over her head and she was free to take as many showers as she wanted. Still, as the Gotti mansion came into view, Leylani couldn't bring herself to smile. In the end, the Gotti's still won.

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