Another One?🔥

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"Nice! Still looking good, I see!" Seonghwa pulled up to his place. It's completely off the grid and literally no one but him can find it. Love that. Hmm. I guess.

   "It ain't much, but it's enough to, ya know, fuck up every now and then." Seonghwa sighed out. Hongjoong smiled. "I love it."

   "Of course you do. Anything that benefits your crime work is A-game to you." Hongjoong fawned. "You know me so well."

   "Oh shut up." He opened the door and they walked inside. Hongjoong was mesmerized. "Wow. It's more beautiful on the inside." "Mmhmm try warming them up." Seonghwa put all of his stuff down.

  "There's a room for you upstairs. All your shit still up there." Hongjoong gave him a look. "Borrowed some of it. Just in case, ya know." Seonghwa went to the kitchen and called a number.

    Hongjoong looked back at him. "We gotta talk, yo." Seonghwa ordered them takeout and they sat at the table and ate. "Yea. You know I went to go see him." "Dude for what?" Seonghwa asked. Hongjoong shrugged. "Some form of closure." "Bullshit!"

   Hongjoong chuckled at him. "Oh yea. There's something else." He slid a coveted feather across the table. "Jesus!" Seonghwa picked it up. Then he looked at him. "Figured out your next move, I see."

   Hongjoong let out a chuckle. "Maybe." "See? This is what you do. You sit here and make me guess and then suddenly I'm interested." Hongjoong smiled. "It's jewels, man."

    Seonghwa looked at him. "Beautiful, blingy Liz Taylor jewels. Sitting underground in a five feet vault. Blingy and up for grabs at any given moment now." Hmm. We gonna see.

   "If this were to be possible-" "It is possible." Seonghwa shook his head. "Think about it. We'll need like twenty people and half a million dollars." "Seven." Hongjoong ate his pancakes.

    Seonghwa turned to him. "Seven million?" Hongjoong didn't even look up. "Seven people and twenty grand." Seonghwa couldn't believe him. "Why do you need to do this?" Hongjoong looked at him. "It's what I'm good at. You know this."

    Seonghwa kept looking at him. Hongjoong spoke again. "Look, I've knocked this thing a million times. Everyone that got caught, I got em free. You stuck with me the entire time. We went down together. You're the only other person who knows me."

   "Oh honey is this a proposal?" "Baby I ain't gotta Diamond yet." They smiled at each other. "Look Hwa, do you wanna be stuck running watered down tequila in ya basement forever? We can do this."

    Hongjoong held something to his mouth. "Take a bite." Seonghwa shook his head. "Come on." Seonghwa sighed. "You irritate me, bitch." "Take the bite!" Seonghwa ate whatever Hongjoong gave him, smiling.

   "I presume everything went well at the fashion show?" "Apparently not, Jinny. Critics are calling this the worst work of the fashion designer." The pair looked up at the TV screen. "How did they describe it?"

"Fuck's going on?" Seonghwa asked. "The fashion designer's work was described as old, and was giving retirement home!" Hongjoong looked in decision. "I see them evil lil wheels turning in yo head. What's up?"

   Hongjoong looked in the older's direction. "And here I go: thinking we'd finally be on the same wavelength." Seonghwa rolled his eyes at the younger. "And here I go: thinking you matured out of the criminal mindset. Looks like we both was wrong."

   Hongjoong's mood instantly turned sour. "Dude seriously? How about we recruit him?" Seonghwa looked at the younger. "Well, that is a good idea. But do we even know where dude's stationed at right now?" Hongjoong looked up at the TV.

  "Manhattan is in shambles as the work of Song Mingi goes to shame!" Hongjoong looked back at Seonghwa. "There's ya answer, hyung." "Ah shit."

I know it seem like small chapters right now, but baby, I'm going zero to 💯 REAL quick like.

Listening to Don't Stop while writing this. The irony💀

Thanks for reading!❤️

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