We're Fucked!🔥

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   "Okay. What the fuck am I doing here?" Now, let's meet our lovely friend Kim Nayun. She's an insurance carrier who also happens to be an investigator. She's been called in to see who made the switch out on the necklace.

"Apparently a crime has been made. And we don't know how or why." "I got that part. But let's be realistic: who would lift a six pound necklace in plain sight and get away with it?" "You'd be surprised."

"It was around the neck of Jeong Yunho." Nayun walked up to the boys. "Yes. And I was told that he was a victim of food poisoning and puked out everything. But did you check the plumbing?"

They all shook their heads no. "Well I did." They looked at her. "Squeaky clean, so to speak." She walked inside the vault. "Whoever stole this necklace managed to get out undetected. And did a damn good job at it."

She then turned to everyone. "Set me up an interview with all the potential suspects." She questioned everyone that could be a potential suspect in this entire franchise. And the last, being Yunho.

"I remember being there with my date, Kim Wooseok. We walked the carpet. I ate my soup and then I got food poisoning, ran to the toilet bowl, looked up, and realized the necklace was gone."

Nayun nodded. "So, it just miraculously disappeared from around your neck within a moments notice of puking your intestines out?" Yunho shrugged.

"What you thought I was doing? Keeping tabs for Rihanna? My guts were being exalted!" Nayun sighed. Then she slid a picture to him. "Do you know this person?"

Yunho looked at it. "No." "Kim Hongjoong. Convicted felon. His sister, Kim Taeha, even more convicted felon." Yunho gasped.

"Did he steal it?!" Nayun shook her head. "Apparently not. He's literally the only one with a solid alibi, smiling at the camera the entire time."

Yunho slumped back. "Bro." Nayun shrugged. "Wow. Sometimes I love my damn job." Yunho leaned up, smiling. "I love my job, too." He rested his head on his hand.

The gang was back at Seonghwa's, eating and relaxing now that the job was done. Or so they thought. "I haven't had pizza in a millennium," Jongho said.

    Yeosang looked at the younger. "That might explain why you're stuffing your face." "Oh shut up. You love me." Yeosang chuckled, leaning on him. "That I do." 

   Suddenly, they all heard the door open, surprised at who was there. San got up. "You guys are fucked." Yunho walked in.

   "Nice place. Must be a bitch to heat." "Hold the fuck up. You're trespassing, my guy!" "No. No. We asked him to come." Seonghwa said, he and Hongjoong walking over.

"Oh? You asked him to come? Okay that makes it better," Wooyoung said, leaning on San. Hongjoong sighed. "It has come to our realization that Mr. Jeong-" "Was not a total fuckin idiot?" They all looked at Hongjoong.

    "May have gotten a sense of what we were doing." Yunho started speaking. "I never throw up, even when I'm shit faced wasted. I notice bad acting before anything, and I never forget faces." He turned to Hongjoong, Wooyoung, and Mingi.

"I was that obvious, huh?" Mingi mumbled. "Well shit. Oh well," Wooyoung said. San sighed. "Well, this is an absolute mess." He rubbed his head.

   Hongjoong nodded. "Precisely. So, eight shares of 150 million is better than seven shares of prison, right?" They all stayed silent.

   "Chilly! Hi Yun, welcome to the team. Let's not all high five at once. Besides, I'm the one saving your dumbasses from insurance fraud!" They all panicked. "Insurance who?!" Mingi yelled.

    "I was getting to that part." Yunho started talking. "Sherlock Holmes with everything but the trench coat? Female version? Yea she's totally onto you guys. She's about to look up your ass with some flashlights."

"Her name is Kim Nayun." "You know this girl?!" Jongho asked. "Yes. She busted my mom once and my sister twice." "Long story short, she's family," Seonghwa said.

"Okay. Hit pause. This entire thing was to keep me OUT of jail!" Mingi yelled. "No one's going to jail," Seonghwa said. "We expected this. We've prepared for this." "Yea, that's true," Jongho said. "We won't be the prime suspects." "Then who will be?" Yeosang asked.

   "There's busboys, bodyguards-" "The shady dude who put your ass away," San said, realizing it again. Yunho turned to Hongjoong. "Wow!" He laughed. "The boyfriend."

   Hongjoong nodded. "Yep. Knew they had to frame someone. Just not one of us." Seonghwa nodded. "Nice." Hongjoong smiled at him. "Thanks."

"Wow. The delivery in all of this is fuckin delicious." San turned to Yunho. "Ho why are you doing this?"

    Yunho stayed silent. "I don't have many male friends that are solid. And the acting industry is full of homophobic dickbags, so yea."

   "You becoming a criminal by Taemin because you lonely?" Jongho asked. Yunho shrugged. "Who doesn't?" Seonghwa looked at him. "You an only child, ain't you?" Yunho took a sip of wine.

Welcome to the team, bruh!💀

He might not do much but he gonna set ALL this shit on fire💀❤️


Thanks for reading!🖤

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