The Real Fun Begins🔥

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"This museum look nice!" Everyone was walking around the museum, posing as common people who were walking around. In all actuality, they were finding the perfect places to pinpoint so that they don't get discovered.

"Okay." Wooyoung walked up to a man who worked there. "Excuse me. I'm having a lot of trouble." "What's up?" He held the map up to him. "I must be going in circles or something. I found myself in the Egyptian art when I needed to get to Greek."

While Wooyoung had the man preoccupied, Hongjoong made sure an old family friend, Juyeon, made a generous donation to the art exhibit. On the contrary, he never does that. Therefore, when the police took notice, it was all over the news.

"Going in now." Jongho, who posed as a janitor, found himself in the conference room with the head of the museum board. They were discussing how Juyeon made donations to them, and to the biggest LLC in Manhattan.

"Yo. Y'all got trash?" They turned to the youngest. "What? No!" "You sure, man? Looks like you got a lot." They waved him off. "Whatever man just hurry up." Jongho took this time to plant his software in. "That'll do it."


"Okay. Table four. 12:00." Jongho zoomed in. "Straightest shot to the bathroom. I think we know what to do from here." "Who's the seat that's next to him?" They zoomed in. Hongjoong made a face.

"It's for his date." They all nodded. "And that is?" Yeosang asked. Hongjoong shrugged. "Have no clue." San knew something was up, but he stayed hush mouth about it.

"Hi! I'm sorry it's really none of my business but apparently there's no nutritionalist for the Met Gala and that's an issue." San was talking to Chanhee, one of the employees there.

"Well that is indeed terrible." "Yea there's 20% in every fuckin thing. Vegan meals, gluten free, all types of shit." Chanhee nodded and then looked at San. He dragged him in his seclusion of the workplace.

"Alright. Cut the shit. What Hongjoong got y'all doing this time?" San dropped his shoulders and chuckled. "Damn. You know him too, huh?"

"We're family. Went down with the dude since 2010. Changmin pops in every now and then. Younghoon wants no part of this mess haha." "I can honestly understand that. But how are you guys?" "Going on six years next Friday." "That's so sweet."

"Indeed. Now, what's going on?" San explained to him how he needed to get a way to get Seonghwa as the nutritionist for the gala. Chanhee nodded at everything. "I got you." He then took the list San had for the pre gala dinner that's going on.

"You guys are pros too, I see." San chuckled. "Man. All these years ain't going in vain. I promise you that." Chanhee set up a way for Seonghwa to be in charge of the nights meals so that other runs could possibly be made.

San got back to the place and met up with Hongjoong in the bathroom. "Wooseok. Who is he?" Hongjoong looked up at the younger. Then he gave him a look. "Damn. You got me."

"So it's revenge? When did y'all even meet?" Hongjoong sighed. "A good ten years ago. It was frickin paradise. And he treated me as if I was the only one that mattered. Damn, Wooseok."

He kept going. "Me and Seonghwa were going through a really rough patch. We were roughing it with fucking bingo games. We'd be lucky if we made $1,000 a night." San was listening intently.

"And then a good friend of mine, Jungwoo, told me to pose as an art buyer, and that's how me and Wooseok met. He was the artist and whatnot."

   He continued on. "Life was good. He was amazing in the kitchen. And in the bed." San rolled his eyes. "Of course." Hongjoong chuckled.

   "And then one day, I was told to pose as the seller, not the buyer. And Wooseok said: a couple signatures and then they'll slide me the check. And it actually happened. Except I ended up handcuffed."

In this setting, Wooseok framed Hongjoong to be a criminal and got him setup with a fraud and conspiracy charge. When it came time to testify, Wooseok testified against Joong, sending him away for five years. It's time for the big payback.

"Alright. Seating and food arrangements." Everyone was looking at the projector. Seonghwa was noticing that something was off. He knew the guest list, since he was quote on quote, catering. That's when it hit him. He walked outside.

"Yo!" Hongjoong turned to him. "We gotta talk, yo." Hongjoong nodded. "Alright." "It's Wooseok. Isn't it?" Hongjoong said nothing. "Oh my gosh. If this is like last time-" "Hey. Stop it. It's not like last time."

Seonghwa couldn't believe this. "Why do you do this, Joong?! My God. You don't EVER run a job IN a job! Why is it when you want to do a job there's always an asterisk?!" Hongjoong looked away. Seonghwa walked up to him.

"You frame him, I walk." Hongjoong grabbed him. "Stop it." Seonghwa scoffed. "This is just like last time." Seonghwa walked off. "Hwa. Hwa! Listen." He stopped him. "He sent me to jail, Hwa. You have no idea what that's like!"

Seonghwa looked at him with an indecipherable face. He sighed. "Yea well, he's gonna do it again."
Hongjoong grabbed his arm. "No he's not. He's not. And we're not gonna get caught. Come on. This runs in my blood. We will be fine."

Seonghwa didn't even believe anything he was saying right now. But he couldn't let him down. They've been working together for the last ten years. He's not gonna let him be taken away again. "Alright. Let's just hope for the best, I guess."

Hongjoong smiled at him. "That's technically the spirit." They chuckled at each other. Then they walked back inside.

Yes. Seongjoong are my freaking parents, okay?🥰

Thanks for reading!❤️

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