Chapter 9

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Bae and Irys have been burying themselves in their works hoping that it'll help them avoid each other's presence. Fighting each other was mentally draining for both of them so in order to avoid that, they decided not to speak a word with each other.

Bae was now sleeping in a separate bedroom, she couldn't handle Irys being beside her. She's afraid she'd let out all her frustration on her again and it will start another huge fight.

While Irys doesn't even want to go home anymore, even though they're sleeping in different bedrooms, she prefers to stay and sleep in her office. She goes home in the morning but only to take a shower and change clothes. She's been ordering take outs knowing her wife wouldn't cook for her anymore.

Their marriage feels like it's falling apart…


Months have passed since the Roberu incident, Bae and Irys are a lot closer now. They both think what they have in the moment is totally platonic, and it is. They may be ex wives but at least they still have a good friendly relationship with each other.

"I brought bread!! You guys want some?" A tall tanned girl says.

Kronii sighed, "All you every bring is bread, i'll pass"

"But isn't it the same with Mumei and berries? Why are you treating Sana's bread differently?" The green haired girl added, flashing a teasing smirk at Kronii.

"Oh shush up, Fauna. You're no different" 

"Yes I am! I care for Sana's bread!"

Tsukumo Sana and Ceres Fauna, big time celebrities who auditioned for the main characters and got the role. The two of them fit the role of the main leads. It's only been 2 months since the shooting started and they've already made good friends with Kronii and Mumei.

Although Mumei, Kronii and Fauna seemed to have this little love triangle between them since Fauna always tries her hardest to get noticed by Mumei while Mumei on the other hand gravitates towards Kronii. Sana was unbothered from all the chaos these three would cause and just let them do their thing.

"Hey guys, have you seen where Irys and Bae went?" Asked Sana trying to stop the banters that Fauna and Kronii are currently having.

"They're either fighting or making out," Mumei replied, causing the others to stare at her with confusion. "What?" She asked. 

"Who's making out?" A voice behind them says.

They looked back and saw Bae and Irys standing behind them. Irys holding a Soda can and Bae holding her 3rd cup of coffee. The four of them nervously laughed. 

"It's nothing, just Mumei saying questionable things again," Kronii replied.

The pair may not notice but the people around them have been suspicious of them. Irys and Bae would often argue on set which at first everyone thought might be bad but the two of them would make up quickly and eventually it became a normal thing for everyone. 

The people on set including Mumei and the others started calling them a married couple without their knowledge. They're already aware that Bae and Irys already knew each other before they started this project and so the Idea of them being married was perfect.

Irys and Bae made their way on the opposite side of the four and sat down, they bought some snacks with them to enjoy their 30 minute break.

"Hey, you guys wanna go to a bar later after the set?" Asked Fauna, trying to change the topic so they wouldn't accidentally reveal that they've been suspicious of the pair.

"Are you forgetting that you're famous?"

"Come on, Kronii. We need to unwind sometimes"

"I agree," Mumei and Sana said in unison. 

Kronii sighed in defeat. She didn't have a choice anymore and was forced to agree while. They spent their whole break talking about which bar they should go to and what they should drink. The conversation was going well until Irys said, "Oh! How about Roberu's bar, Bae? I've never been there and It's also your birthday, maybe we could get a discount"

"It's not my real birthday! I don't have a choice but to celebrate it today… and also, Roberu senpai's bar was a good option." Bae replied, earning confused looks from Sana, Fauna and Mumei. Bae gave them the same confused looks until she realised that the three of them were not aware of her real birthday. 

"My birthday is february 29th. But since that date only appears once every four years, I celebrate my birthday on the 28th" she explained. The three of them nodded in understanding. 

Kronii already knew about her birthday because she's been Bae's producer for the past 2 years since Bae's last one resigned and Irys… well, it's Irys. Of course she knew about it.

"Let's go drinking then!" Sana said, enthusiastically. "What could go wrong?"


Here's a recap of my life as an apology for the late update: 

One of my friends asked me "Do you have any regrets in your relationship with your ex before you fell apart?" Everyone stared at me, eager to know my answer. I thought I regretted nothing but just to be safe, I shook my head and chuckled "I don't know, I probably don't?" That's what I said. They all laughed, they thought I was trying to lighten up the serious mood by being "Don't know, Don't ask me" again.

And then that friend asked my ex a different question. "Do you still have, even just a small amount of love towards your ex. It doesn't need to be romantic, completely platonic is fine." My friend says. My ex glanced at me and said "I don't know. I probably don't?" She looked away and continued, "To be honest, I'm glad we're over, I didn't even think we could last that long. I knew from the start that what we had was temporary so to answer your question, No. I don't love them anymore."

They all laughed thinking everything she had just said was no big deal. But as I stared at her, I realised my biggest regret.  

I let myself fall in love with someone who's feelings for me were uncertain. I let myself become a fool to someone who saw me as something they'd throw away once they're done playing with it. At that moment I realised that my biggest regret was her.

My lesson for today is to never give someone false hope and don't fall in love with someone who sees you as something that's easily replaceable. Have a great day<3
(I also had to speedrun my homework because school is bitching and exams are near lmaoo)

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