Chapter 17

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Bae still remembers that day. 

The day they said their vows. The day they tied the knot. The day they became one. 

"I, Baelz, take you Irys, to be my wife. 

To have and to hold from this day forward.

 For better or for worse

 For richer, for poorer.

 In sickness and in health

To love and to cherish

From this day forward…

Until death do us part.."

How could she be so dumb? Those vows were now ruined. She now locks herself up in her room, watching romance movies in hopes that it will lessen the pain in her heart. It became a hobby…

Because watching romance movies makes her feel like she is still with Irys. 


Months have passed since the day she confessed, the movie has aired and Bae and Irys's relationship is a lot stronger now. They already told Calli about it, she was the first one to know besides Fauna. 

And when they were both comfortable with talking about their relationships with the others, they finally told them the truth about their past together. 

They were finally happy. But… something has been bugging Bae lately.

Irys was… well, a bit distant? They didn't fight or something, it's just that Irys has been avoiding her for the past few days. She tried calling the others about it but they all said that they didn't know what's going on with Irys.

It made Bae anxious. What if they broke up again? She didn't want that, everything is going so well so what the hell is wrong with her?

"Calli, I don't know what to doooo" she whined. The others couldn't provide an answer for her so she called her sister instead. Because at this point, she has no Idea on what she's going to do about this sudden distancing.

"Bae, what if she's just… uh… busy with something…?" Calli tried to reassure her but failed.  Irys has been coming home late, like what happened in the past. She's afraid it might repeat again...

"Busy with what? The movie has aired so she should have more free time now." Bae replied, annoyed. 

"Uhmm I don't know what she's up to… but uh… just trust her..?" 

It seems like Calli was struggling to find the right words. Bae notices but says nothing. She was already stressing about Irys that she has no more energy for other things. 

They were fine just a month ago and then Irys suddenly started avoiding her. Coming home late, not telling her where she went, nothing. It was like they went back to how they used to. 

"I do trust her. But lately she's been avoiding me and it makes me feel invisible." 

Calli was silent for a few moments before speaking again. "Bae, I know you're worried about the past but everything has changed now. Don't worry about it."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Shush. I just know it." 

Bae chuckled. That's right, everything has changed. Everything is going to be just fine. 

After talking with Calli, Bae hung up and received a text from the devil herself.

Bae, get dressed we're going somewhere.

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