Part 5

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Bani sees veer sitting on the bed..
Bani - what happend veer is everything alright..
Veer - i don't  know how will i face my dad.
Bani - don't  worry veer.. we will manage..

She kisses his lips..

Veer - bani if i have to take decision of choosing my family over you what will you do?

Bani - hmm .. i will seduce you.. she chukles..

Veer - promise
She sits on his legs. 
Bani- I promise.. how don you want me to prove it to you..

He hugs her . And he pulls her into bed and enjoy their make out session once again..

Bani - lets go to beach.. please..

Veer - but why..
Bani - please get ready.. you wanted to know what i like right..
Veer nods..
Bani - then lets go..

Veer - they both dresses up and starts walking on the beach..

Bani - there..
She showes a hut decorated for couples..
Veer - what..
Bani - she turns his face where a foreign couple is making out..

Veer - bani you are impossible..

Bani - i know but now lets go..

Veer - but why..
Bani - see its very open so you have to ensure that you will make out without letting anyone know that you are doing it..

Veer- how do we do that..

Bani - veeranshu.. you speak alot.. now lets go..

She pulls him inside open hut.. and starts kissing him on his lips by ensuring that they are in spot where nobody could see them..

Bani places his hand on her bossoms and asks him to kneed them..

Veer loves doing it.. but this time it was too difficult with her tight short.. he quickly opens down two buttons..and pushes his hand inside so that it would be easy for him..
Bani moans in pain.. and shop keeper looks at them and they act as if they were doing nothing..

Veer - bani.. this is too dangerous and open..

Bani - dont you want to fulfill my desires..

Veer nods..
Bani - then come on.. lets do it.. i promise.. i will control my moans..

Veer - nods..

Bani - so where were we?
Veer - may be i was kneeding her and you were kissing me..

Bani - oh yes.. she jumps on his and wraps around his waist as that her favourite part.. bani makes her sleep on the hay stack..

He unzips her shorts. Now he can access her tiny flower..

Bani - you want me to remove that..?

Veer - no i know what to do..
He goes and tears of her tiny little piece of cloth. 

Bani smiles..

Veer - you said you will control your moan right.. lets try that..
He inserts his two fingers and he holds her mouth tightly..
Bani - f**k f**k.. ....
Veer raises his eyebrow he never seen her uttering those words..
Veer - so you are doing this instead of moaning.  He smiles ..

Bani smiles at him..
Veer - lets try this.. he goes and starts licking her flower with the little open space..
Bani still saying her f word

Veer removes his shaft.. bani looks at it and smiles..
Veer - you need it?
Bani - not now.. its not comfortable for that..

Veer thursts  his shaft inside her and now its much easier for him to increase his speed as she is not a virgin anymore..

Bani moans f words inorder to avoid starings from strangers..

Both loved this encounter..

Veer - what's next?
Bani - now its your turn..

Veer pulls her up then lets go..

Veer takes her inside the ocean near their house which usually would be empty due to lack of shops..

He takes her inside water.. both removes their cloth..

The go inside water and their skin starts glowing with the moon..

Veer starts kissing bani.. bani kisses him passionately even though she can feel his fingers teasing her flower..

Veer breaks the kiss..
Veer - sweetheart.. i always wanted to have a kiss with my love under moon light.. and made it real..

He gently escorts her to the shore.. and lifts her up takes her inside the room..

The both continued there make out session as they want to ensure they enjoy this week completely..

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