Part 1

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Balwant - Veer, Please ensure that everything is set.. our buisness partner would be here in any moment..

Veer - Yes dad.. i know i have made all the arrangements.. don't  take too much stress. You know how much i love you..

Balwant - love you too son.. where is mayuri.. she was supposed to be here..

Veer - she has gone out to make some contacts outside she says its good for our buisness.

Balwant - that's why I chose her for you.. she is perfect for singhanias..

Veer - hmm..

People starts muttering..
"She is so gorgeous.. look at her curves. She is so well maintained."

Balveer looks at her.. they are shocked to see a face which they have seen almost few years back.. may be during veer's marriage..

Veer - bani.. i am so glad to see you.. where have you been.. he greets her.

Bani - hi veeranshu.. i know its been long.. but i wanted to do something for myself.. so here i am

Balwant - wow bani.. you look so beautiful..

Bani -Thank you uncle for the compliment.. can we go inside.. please..

Veer - yeah ofcourse.. please...
He shows her the way..

Bani - How is mayuri doing now.. is she fine.. ?

Veer - Yeah she is doing great. He puts up a fake smile.

Veer - Bani this is your cabin.. my cabin is next to yours.. feel free to ask me if you need anything..

Bani - Sure veeranshu..

Bani goes to her seat and starts twirling round and round .. she goes back to her memorly lane..

Ritu- Bani.. please leave.. i dont want to see your face.. because of you your dad died..

Bani - no maa.. please don't  do this to me.. i just told him that mayuri married veeranshu not for love but for money

Mayuri - That's why you are responsible for this.. he died because of you bani.. je died because of you..

Flashback end..

Bani -That day you made me think i killed my father.. i was okay when you asked me to take care of household work. I never complained when you made me a scape goat for all your evil deeds. But not this..  you killed my father by hiding the truth that she is marrying only for money.. by hiding the truth that her marriage was a deal and you took 5 crore from balwant uncle..
Now its pay back time..

Bani looks at veer from her glass walls..

Bani - Mayuri.. you think marrying veer was your blessings in disguise  na.. now be ready i will make it a curse for you.. i will take him away from you.. and you won't  even realize when and how.

She smirks....

Veer looks at her from the glass door and smiles at her..

She smiles back..

He gets a coffee in a tray and offers it to her.

Veer - you must be tired na.. take this..
Bani - oh.. thank u so much.. i really needed one.. please take your seat..

Veer - yeah.. tell me how you reached here.. whats your secret..

Bani - hmmm.. i just took some help from one of my uncle and started fashion designing and that clicked and sees i am here as your buisness partner in fashion buisness.

Veer - thats impressive.. have you spoke to mayuri lately.. i have never seen you speaking to her anymore.

Bani - na. I lost her contact and even she became busy with her life as she has a great life partner like you now.. who loves her unconditionally..

Veer- hmm.. yeah..
He knows the truth she is busy with her millionaire friends..

Bani snaps her finger..
Bani- Veer.. what are you thinking?
Veer - Nothing.. sorry.. i was thinking something else..

Bani smiles okay..
Veer- i have to leave now.. tomorrow i have a presentation..

Bani- are you going home?

Veer- no i cant work there i will be here.. what about you?
Bani- even i will stay here as my design is still incomplete..

Veer- oh.. okay then.. we can meet later. I can drop you home later.
Bani- sure and smiles

Its around 12 am.. she sees veer rotating his neck to relax a bit..

She goes into his cabin..
Bani- may I?
Veer - yeah.. please you dont have to ask..

She goes and stands behind him..
Veer- what are you doing?
Bani- i see that you are very tired.. so

Veer- so..?
She gently keeps her hands on her shoulder and starts massaging his neck.. he never felt so ease in his life.. even mayuri hardly cares whether he is alive or dead..

Bani- i think you should take some rest now..

Veer- but work..

Bani - you take a nap here and continue your work in early morning..

Veer- i promised you that i will drop you..
Bani- i can manage veer.. i was alone all these years i know how to manager don't worry..

Veer - let me drop you..

Bani - but on one condition.. you will stay in my house.. and take rest and you can work later and then you can go back home in the morning..
Veer- but..

Bani- shh..
She keeps her finger on his lips..
Bani- if you agree for this then i can agree for your condition..

Veer- okay fine.. let's go now..

Veer picks his required items and starts driving to her home..

The end ... what do you want to see in her home ?
What do you guys think bani will do at her by taking veer there ? 😄

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