Escaping Mars

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December 2022


The sand of the red planet glided across the rocky plains of the Mars desert. Resting on the surface of the plane was a dark red spaceship. It stood waiting to be flown. In the depths of the planet laid tunnels carving through creating paths and walkways to navigate the terrain. Carved out down one of the tunnels sat a metal hatch. The hatch opened to reveal supplies and rocky beds. On one of these beds lay a young green Martian. Her green head was covered with long ginger locks and her face had been manipulated to look more human like. She had black suit of amour covering her body and legs with a red cross going over the amour. She was alone in the room waiting. She heard gun fire from outside the room, she shot up as she heard it get closer. All of a sudden the door slid open. Behind the door stud another green Martian. His form look similar to a humans apart from his black armour and green skin.
"Come with me now!" He shouted extending his hand for her to take. She took his hand and they ran off down the halls. He shot the white Martians that were running to attack them. They ran through the halls each turn felling like navigating through a maze. They made it to an air lock to the surface of Mars. The male green Martian locked the door and turned to face the young female Martian. "Meg'ann you need to take my ship to Earth. Once you get there you need to find a hero that goes by the name of Superman, or Clark Kent. He should still be based in Metropolis. He will help you and keep you safe" the man stated as he rested his hands on her shoulders.
"What about you uncle John?" Meg'ann asked with fear trembling in her voice.
"Don't waitress about me" John sated as a tear started to roll down his cheek. "Now go" John shouted as he pointed his gun to the door. Meg'ann started to run to the red ship parked in the surface of the planet. The harsh winds of Mars blew the sharp sand into her face. She heard the sound of guns being fired behind but she kept she made it to the ship the gunfire stopped and two white Martians started to emerge from the caverns below. Meg'ann quickly got onto the ship and started up the engine. She sat in the driver's seat as the steering controls formed in front of her. She pulled the leaver towards herself lifting the ship into the air. The ship was rocked by a incoming shot. Meg'ann looked out the window to see the white Martians aiming at the ship. They continued to fire and hit the ship. Meg'ann saw the ship was taking major damage so she pushed the leaver forward the ship shooting off over the land of Mars. Meg'ann steered to avoid the rock before she was finally able to pull up and leave the atmosphere of the planet. She floated in space admiring the stars that shone in the night sky. She admired the red glow of her home planet as she slowly drifted away from it. She pulled up the navigation system in the ship. Earth was already set as a destination ready to fly too.
"Thank you uncle John" Meg'ann sated to herself as she allowed tears to fall down her face. The spaceship zoomed off through the stars at light speed. As the ship got closer to Earth Meg'ann could see a ship like object floating in orbit. She slowed the ship down and floated by the station undetected using the ship's camouflage ability. She headed down to Earth breaking through the atmosphere. Flames started to surround the ship as it got closer to the ground. The planet's surface got closer and closer as the ship plummeted finally hitting the ground leaving a massive crater. The smoke started to clear and Meg'ann went to leave the ship. She exited the ship and crawled out of the smoking crater in the ground. As she climbed out she covered her eyes as the sun's light beamed down. She saw trucks of in the distance driving towards her. They got closer to her location Meg'ann just waiting for their arrival. They pulled up in front of her and immediately exited their vehicles. They pulled out their guns and aimed them as Meg'ann.
"GET ON THE GROUND NOW ALIEN!" one of the soldiers shouted as he trained his gun on her. Meg'ann put her hands up before responding.
"I'm here to warn you, an invasion is coming. I need to find Superman" Meg'ann stated. The soldiers looked at each other confused.
"Superman is dead alien. Now get on the ground!" the soldier commanded. They slowly approached Meg'ann as she slowly crouched to the ground. They placed handcuffs on her and a clamp around her neck. She dragged her into the back of the truck. They drove back to their base keeping their guns trained on Meg'ann at all times. Meg'ann looked around the back of the truck before looking at one of the soldiers.
"What happened to Superman?" Meg'ann asked with curiosity. The soldier was cautiously reply but eventually spoke.
"Nobody really knows what happened just that he died" the soldier stated nervously.
"Is there anyone else who protect this world?" Meg'ann asked with worry in her eyes.
"There have been a few rumours about other individuals who protect people but the only one that is confirmed is Supergirl" the soldier explained. Meg'ann looked up in hope.
"Can I speak to her?" Meg'ann asked. Before the soldier could reply they stopped.the back of the truck opened up to a military base. They lead Meg'ann out of the truck and into a confined cell. Meg'ann looked at the soldier with sadness on her face. He left the room and walked into an office.
"Mam I wish to speak with you about the alien we have just acquired" the soldier stated with a salute. Lucy Lane looked up from her desk.
"What about it private?" She asked.
"It was talking about a potential invasion, and it wants to get in contact with Supergirl to help stop the invasion" the soldier explained. Lucy looked at him with a suspicious look.
"And why would you come to me with that information?" Lucy asked.
"Err because there is a rumour that you are able to get in contact with Supergirl in a similar way to how the GCPD got in contact with Batman" the soldier stated stumbling over his words. Lucy stood up staring at the soldier.
"Get out" she commanded the soldier rushing out of the office as quick as he could. Lucy slumped back down in her chair. She turned on the camera to the cell Meg'ann was in. She sighed as she started to dial a number into her phone. The phone rang out before someone picked up. "Hey Lois, I need to speak with Kara" Lucy stated through the phone.

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