Saving Batwoman

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Barbra stared at the screen as Kate's tracker blinked. Barbra kept trying to reach Kate's comms but continued to be unsuccessful. Tim walked up behind her with his Robin suit already on.
"Where was her last location?" Tim asked as he placed his mask over his face.
"Don't worry Tim, I've got people working on finding Kate" Barbara stated as she continued to type away on the computer, slowly becoming more stressed with each second. Tim looked at Barbra confused.
"Why didn't you just send me?" Tim asked.
"Because your still a kid Tim. It's one thing to go out and fight thugs with knives in suit of armour, but this is different" Barbra explained with concern in her voice.
"In what way is this different?" Tim asked still confused at the situation.
"Kate is a fully trained, top of her class at military school, former soldier, and she is currently MIA after going on a recon mission. You are a fourteen year old kid from Gotham" Barbra explained with fear in her voice. Tim looked disappointed but understood.
"So who have you sent?" Tim asked as he took of his mask.
"I've sent the Flash and Supergirl to go and find her" Barbra responded.
"And how do we know them?" Tim asked as he gave Barbra a confused look.
"Dick went to speak with them when he went out of the city" Barbra stated not taking her eyes of the screen.

Gotham City

Flash zoomed across the water as Supergirl and Meg'ann flew just above. They headed towards Gotham and the lab Barbra had told them about. Flash raced up the side of the island as Supergirl and Meg'ann landed beside him. They stared at the entrance to the lab as they slowly approached it. Suddenly the door swung open and out stepped a red head dressed in an all black bat suit. She dropped to her knees and clutched her eye.
"Are you okay?" Flash asked keeping his distance but was close enough to be able to help.
"Are you Batwoman?" Supergirl asked unsure what to do. They all got closer until the woman grabbed hold of Flash's leg. Her eyes flashed red as she started to transform. The black bat suit had got and the red hair vanished. In its place stood a massive creature. It full body was white, it's teeth were sharpened and it head in the shape of a dinosaur. Flash noticed It's right eye was damaged as it stared directly at him. "Flash move!" Supergirl shouted as she sped towards the creature. Flash moved his body out of the way, just as Supergirl went fists first into the chest of the creature. Supergirl landed next to Flash as the creature went flying backwards into the building it had just exited.
"That's a white Martian" Meg'ann stated as she ran over to Flash and Supergirl's side. They all got ready to fight as the white Martian got back up. It was shortly followed by two more. They stood across from each other ready to fight. The white Martians started to run at the trio. Supergirl quickly reacted tackling one of the white Martians and crashing into the lab. Another chased Flash as he kept moving just keeping out of range of the Martian. The white Martian with the damaged eye went to attack Meg'ann. it through its arms down attempting to bash Meg'ann into the ground. Meg'ann raised her arms up blocking the attack.
"You will die half breed" the white Martian stated in Martian. Meg'ann winced in pain as the attacks got stronger. "If only the manhunter fought like this he would still be alive" the white Martian taunted in Martian. Upon hearing this Meg'ann's eyes filled with rage. She dropped her block and tackled the white Martian to the ground and continued to land punches to its face. Supergirl and one of the white Martians rolled into the destroyed lab. They both got back to their feet quickly. The white Martian screened in Supergirl's face to her confusion. Supergirl went to punch the Martian but her fist was caught by its massive claws. It returned the punch causing Supergirl to go crashing back into a wall, it crumbling onto of her after the impact. The white Martian turned to exit the lab.
"Where do you think your going?" Supergirl asked menacingly as she pushed the debris off of her. The white Martian returned to try and attack Supergirl again. Before it got to close Supergirl used her heat vision blasting the white Martian into the floor. The white Martian screened in pain as the heat vision hit its body, leaving scorch marks on the thick white skin. It finally passed out to the pain and Supergirl stopped the attack. She exited the building to help the other with their battles. One of the white Martians was standing on the edge of the island as Flash used his super speed to continuously hit the creature without being hit. The Martian couldn't keep up as it edged closer to the edge. Finally Flash stopped a few feet away and crossed his arms. The white Martian stared at him as a smile keeper onto his face. As the white Martian started to move the ground it stood on started to shift. After the shift it started to crumble causing the white Martian to fall.
"And I thought you were a scientist" Flash joked as he watched the white Martian fall into the sea below. Flash turned around to see Meg'ann pounding the white Martian she fighting into the ground. He zoomed over and tried to pull her away. She pushed Flash away and continued her beatdown. Supergirl rushed over managing to pull Meg'ann back from her foe. The white Martian lay battered on the ground.
"Meg'ann calm down" Supergirl stated as she held Meg'ann back. Meg'ann struggled but eventually calmed down in Supergirl's grip. The trio looked down at the white Martian that layer on the ground.
"You..... will..... all.... fall" the white Martian stated before it fell unconscious. As they watched the white Martian fall unconscious they heard a noise from behind them. They turned around to see a woman in a black bat suit clutching her ribs as her wet auburn hair stuck to the suit.
"Who the hell are you guys?" she asked clearly in pain.
"Are you Batwoman?" Supergirl asked as she huffed out.
"What gave it away?" Batwoman responded still clutching her side.
"Then we're the people Barbra sent to save you" Flash stated as he walked over and offered his hand. Batwoman took his hand unsure what to think. Flash tapped the lighting bolt on the side of his cowl. It flashed as rang out. Finally the flashing stopped as Barbra answered.
"Did you find her?" Barbra asked with a nervous tone.
"Yeah we got her. Where should we meet you?" Flash asked as Batwoman put her arm over his shoulder.
"Meet me at Wayne manor" Barbra stated.
"Wayne manor?" Flash questioned before picking up Batwoman in his arms and zooming off to the manor. Supergirl and Meg'ann followed. They stopped on the front garden of Wayne manor as Barbra sat in the doorway. She held the door open as they all walked inside.

Blue Valley

Ted and Booster were working on a device to try and open the safe. They were interrupted as Dick walked back into the lab.
"Change of plans, I need you two to come with me" Dick stated with confidence. Booster and Ted looked at him confused.
"Come again?" Booster asked.
"Something has happened and we don't have time to open up that safe. However we do need all the help we can get. So if you have your suits, I need you on the jet in ten minutes" Dick stated as he started to leave. Ted and Booster liked at each other again.
"So this strange guy comes into the lab knows who we are and he want us to follow him. I'm not the only one that thinks this sounds crazy right?" Ted asked Booster.
"I feel like I know his name from somewhere, and if I remember the name they must be important or influential" Booster replied as he started to move to the entrance.
"Are you sure?" Ted asked as he started to follow Booster.
"Err nighty five percent" Booster stated as they left the lab. Waiting for them was Dick.
"Good, glad you want to help" Dick stated as he ushered them into a car.
"Where are we going exactly?" Ted asked still unsure.
"Gotham" Dick replied with a smile.

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