Jail Break

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Central City

Star Labs

Supergirl and Flash stood in their suit ready to head to Area 51. Supergirl had her phone in her hand ready to let Lucy know they were on their way. She looked over at Flash who grabbed her by her waist ready to start moving. She looked at him and he nodded in confirmation. Supergirl tapped send and dropped her phone on the table. As soon as the phone left her hand Flash started to move. He raced them through the streets and over the deserts holding Supergirl in his arms. In what felt like seconds to Supergirl they were standing inside Area 51. They checked the cameras, all of them turned off. They walked down a corridor with reinforced transparent barriers holding aliens behind them. They passed a few cells as the aliens stared at them. They finally got to the alien Lucy was talking about. It sat on the floor of its cell it's head burrowed into its legs and it's arms wrapped around. Supergirl and Flash looked at each other before Flash tapped on the barrier. The alien turned around to look at the two heroes.
"I heard you wanted to speak with me" Supergirl stated as she stood watching the alien. The alien moved to the barrier pressing its hand up against it.
"Are you the one they call Supergirl?" The alien asked. Supergirl nodded as she listened to the alien. "My name is Meg'ann, I am from Mars and you planet is in grave danger" Meg'ann declared as her eyes matched the panic in her voice.
"Why is the planet in danger?" Flash asked unsure what to make of the situation.
"The white Martians, they intend to invade" Meg'ann stated.
"I'm guessing your not a white Martian" Supergirl questioned.
"No I'm not a white Martian, I am what on your planet would call multicultural" Meg'ann stated. Supergirl and Flash looked at her confused. "My farther was a white Martian but my mother was a green Martian. On my planet this is very unheard of, but as I grew up I was shunned by the white Martian community. The green Martians took me in made me fell like I was one of their own. I was happy and then the war happened. The white Martians started slaughtering green Martians, in their quest for dominance. They soon conquered Mars. My uncle John helped me escape. He told me to come here and find the Superman" Meg'ann explained.
"Okay Meg'ann how do you know they are coming here?" Supergirl asked unsure on whether to trust her or not.
"They already are here. They sent scouts here months ago, to find your weaknesses" Meg'ann stated.
"I feel like we would have noticed a few alien scouts roaming the streets" Flash stated.
"You wouldn't, all Martians can transform. We do this to hide and survive" Meg'ann explained trying to get the two heroes to believe her. Supergirl and Flash looked at each other.
"If what your saying is true then you need to come with us" Supergirl stated. Flash zoomed over to the control panel on the side of the cell and started typing every combination into the keypad. As he started the doors to the corridor crashed open as soldiers started to run in their guns aimed at the heroes.
"Stand down!" they screened as they prepared to shoot. Supergirl looked at the soldiers then back at the cell.
"Screw it" Supergir stated as she punched the cell barrier shattering the barrier with one punch. The soldiers started to shoot the bullets glowing green as they were formed out of kryptonite. Flash reacted fast catching the bullets as they flew down the hallway. One managed to hit his leg causing him to fall and slide into the wall. Supergirl grabbed Flash and pulled him into the cell and they took cover. Supergirl looked over the wound, the bullet had gone straight through leaving a gaping hole in Flash's leg. She looked at Flash, pain covering his face. "This is going to hurt, but you heal quick" she stated as he used her heat vision to burn heal the wound. Flash winced in pain as the heat vision hit his leg and the wound started to burn up. She helped him to his feet and extended her hand to Meg'ann. "You coming?" Supergirl asked with a smile. Meg'ann grabbed onto Supergirl's hand as she flew them up. She used her back to break the ceiling, getting them to the floor above. She placed both Meg'ann and Flash on the floor as they gathered their breath. "We need to get out of here" Supergirl stated as she looked around the corridor.
"Just give me a sec" Flash stated as he started to apply pressure to his leg. His wound had already mostly healed, only a scar and a hole in his suit showed the signs of the injury.
"Take Meg'ann first, I can hold them off until you get back" Supergirl stated as she got into a fight pose and faced the door that the gaurds were about to burst through. Flash nodded and sped away picking Meg'ann up in his arms and racing her back to Star labs. Supergirl used her freeze breath to ice the lock shut on the door, slowing the soldiers down. They eventually burst through the door and aimed their guns at Supergirl.
"FIRE!!!" screened the commanding officer. The bullets flew through the air. Supergirl could only watch as the bullets got closer. Flash had made it back and enter the coriander from behind Supergirl. The world moved in slow motion as saw the bullets pierce through the air. He picked Supergirl up and started to run out away from the site. The bullets hit the end of the corridors remnants of yellow lighting filled the room. The soldiers lowered their weapons as they saw their target had disappeared. Supergirl found herself back in Star labs as she felt a gust of wind hit her face and Flash stood in front of her. He moved his hand close to her face a brushed a bit of her hair out of her eye-line.
"That's why I where a cowl, if not my hair would look like Bart Simpson's" Flash joked as he moved to sit down. Meg'ann stood in the middle of the room and looked around in amazement. As Flash sat down Iris and Silas entered the room. They stopped immediately as they saw the green alien standing in the middle of the lab.
"Hello" Meg'ann said with a little wave. Iris and Silas just waved back still in shock. "Oh sorry I forget I'm still in my green Martian form" Meg'ann stated with a laugh. Her body slowly started to change her tone changed to brown complexion with freckles covering below her eyes. Her hair changed to long ginger locks and her eyes changed to a dark orange. "Is this better?" Meg'ann questioned as she spun around in her new form. Iris could believe her eyes as she watched Meg'ann change into a human form. She looked around to see if the other had the same reaction.
"Cool" Supergirl and Flash said in unison, as Silas smiled with intrigue. Iris sighed as she stood behind Supergirl, Flash and Silas as they got closer to Meg'ann.
"So how are we going to find these white Martians?" Supergirl asked.
"They would have taken over positions of power and observation, scientists, leaders and reporters. Supergirl and Flash turned to look at Iris and Silas.
"How do we tell?" Flash asked.
"All Martians are vulnerable to fire, so having a flame near us reveals are true form" Meg'ann explained. Flash zoomed and got a box of matches. He pulled one out and held it up for Supergirl to light. He hovered the flame near his hand. No change. He moved to Supergirl and did the same to her. No change. He then continued onto Iris. No change. Finally Silas lifted his hand and Flash ran the flame past his palm. No change.
"That means we're all fine" Flash stated with a smile. As Flash put the match out the alarms in the lab started to go off. Flash raced to the main computer to see a video call incoming. He accepted the call to see a woman with ginger hair and glasses looking into the camera.
"Hello Flash this is Barbara Gordon. You spoke to Dick Grayson and offered us your help when we needed it. Correct?" Barbra asked quickly. Flash nodded in response. "Ok cool, we need your help" Barbra stated.

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