The Super Race

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The lecturer stood at the front of the hall speaking to all the young faces sitting in their chairs, their laptops and books sat out on the table. At the back of the class sat Kara. She was listening intently to the lecture trying to learn everything she could on journalism. She jotted down some note on her note pad before the lecture ended. Kara started to leave the hall when she interrupted by a woman putting her arm over Kara's shoulder.
"That lecture was soooo boring" the woman said over exaggerating.
"Really I thought it was quite interesting Siobhan" Kara replied still looking at her note pad. Siobhan laughed.
"Nerd" she said in a silly voice before her and Kara started to laugh. "Do want to grab some lunch?" Siobhan asked with a smile.
"Oh sorry Siobhan, not today I have plans" Kara stated as she slipped her note pad into her bag.
"Is it a boy?" Siobhan asked with a cautious smile on her face. Kara smiled.
"Yes but he's just a friend" Kara stated confidentiality. Siobhan laughed at Kara's comment.
"Sure he is, just give me the details when I see you again" Siobhan said as they left the building. Siobhan got in her car and drove off into the city. Kara waited for Siobhan to drive off before she walked into a back ally. She checked to make sure no one was watching before she shit off into the sky. She glided through the clouds the relaxing air brushing over her face. She sighed in relief and relaxation as she headed for Central city.

Central City

Barry stood at the entrance to the vault of Central City bank. The vault door had been frozen then melted, destroying the door. Barry examined the frozen sides of the vault. He broke of a bit of ice and spun it around in his hand. He then moved over to the metallic puddle that lay in the centre of the vault door. The metal had a sticky texture and still had shards of ice reflecting in the substance.
"Any idea if this was a meta-human?" Joe asked as he stood over Barry. Barry took samples of the vault door and passed them to Julian.
"I mean it could be, but it could also be custom weapons that did this" Barry responded. Barry stood up and walked to a quiet place with Joe. "Did anyone see what they looked like?" Barry asked quietly.
"Well from what the eye witnesses are saying, it was two men one in white and orange body suit with shades covering his eyes. The other male wore white fire coat and rectangular blue shades. Both were armed" Joe explained to Barry.
"That probably means they weren't meta-humans, otherwise they would have needed the guns" Barry stated. Joe nodded in agreement. Barry looked at his watch on his wrist. "Oh crap, I got to go" Barry blurted out as he started to walk to the exit. Joe looked at Barry confused before shaking his head and going to speak to the officers in the scene. Barry left the bank and went into a nearby ally. He flung his bag over his head and started to run. He zoomed through the city eventually making it to Star labs. He got inside his speed causing a gust of wind to follow him inside sending papers flying into the air. Before they hit the floor Barry caught them and stacked them back onto the desk. He finally stopped to see Silas, Iris and Kara staring at him.
"You know for the fastest man alive you are late more often then early" Kara joked with a smile on her face.
"Are we really going to poke holes in nicknames, Girl Of Steel?" Barry retorted with a smile on his face.
"Hey it's a play on my cousin's nickname" Kara stated.
"Come on you two let's stop messing around and get to why we are all really gathered here today" Iris said walking in between them.
"Are we really about to do this?" Barry asked unsure.
"Yes, I haven't got to see much of the world since I've been on the planet, and I want to kick your ass in a race. So two birds" Kara stated as she started to stretch.
"Fine, but if I win you have to buy me lunch" Barry joked as he sped into his suit, his cowl resting on his back.
"And if I win you have to buy me lunch" Kara stated as she changed at super speed into her suit.
"Deal" Barry declared as he stuck out his hand. They shook on it and made there way to the front of the building.
"Ok you both know the route?" Silas asked as he held his iPad in his hand, that tracked the two heroes. Both Barry and Kara got in running positions. Barry pulled his cowl over his face as Iris stood at the side of the door. Iris started to open the doors.
"3......2........1.......GO!" Iris shouted. Before she could react they had both left the building. Silas looked on his iPad to see where they were. They were heading to the first checkpoint, Big Ben. They both rushed over the water Barry pulling slightly ahead. The water splashed behind them as they ran, each step feeling like running on a treadmill to them. They made it across the ocean and onto the land. The zoomed over the fields crushing the grass beneath their feet. They finally made it to London. Supergirl ran into the city stopping at the massive clock tower. As she caught her breath she saw Flash leaning against the tower with a smirk on his face.
"Take you time" Flash joked as he walked up to Supergirl. He stood next to her and gazed up at the tower. "So what do you think?" Flash asked Supergirl.
"It's nice, but it is just a clock tower" Supergirl stated with a smile. Flash laughed at her comment.
"You know where we are heading next?" Flash asked making sure Supergirl knew where she was going.
"Yeah the Eiffel Tower" Supergirl replied.
"Oui" Flash joked as he got ready to go. Supergirl laughed. They raced south towards the majestic tower. The water nipped at their ankles as they breezed across it. They got to the top of the Eiffel Tower at the same time. They both stopped to admire the view. People passed below them taking pictures and admiring the sights.
"It's beautiful" Supergirl declared as she leaned over the side.
"It is" Flash responded with a smile.
"Next stop Rome's Coliseum" Supergirl sated as she prepared I leave. They both zoomed away from the solid metal structure and headed to the historic city of Rome. They raced over the land passing through the lively cities and desolate countrysides. They rushed over the pebbled paths the stones rusting underneath their feet. They continued going from landmark to landmark, the Roman Coliseum to the Great Wall Of China. They finally raced back towards Star labs Supergirl just trailing behind Flash. They raced into the lab, both skidding to a stop.
"Flash wins" Iris declares as she hold up the tablet they had been using to track them. Flash raised his arms in the air as he pulled down his cowl. Supergirl smiled as she walked over and flung her shoulder over Flash.
"Good race, shall we do a strength competition next?" Kara joked as everyone laughed. They both sat down as Iris handed them both a bottle of water. As they both started to relax Kara's phone started to ring. She picked up the phone to see a no caller ID was the caller. She answered the phone asking who was ringing her.
"Hey Kara, it Lucy. I'm not supposed to give you this information but I feel like you need to know. We captured an alien this morning who kept going on about an invasion, and it wanted to speak to Superman" Lucy stated over the phone. A confused look appeared on Kara's face.
"So you want me to come and speak to it?" Kara asked unsure what to do.
"Ideally but you would have to do it in secret. I can mess up the cameras for you but you would have to get in and out by yourself" Lucy explained.
"Ok thanks I'll be in touch" Kara replied as the call ended. Barry, Iris and Silas looked curiously at Kara.
"What was that about?" Iris asked referring to the phone call.
"Apparently the army has captured an alien and wants me to speak to it about a possible invasion" Kara stated with an exasperated voice.
"You don't sound to pleased with that" Silas stated.
"That's because I do t know if she's lying. The government want Supergirl and she has help keep them off my back for a while, but I still don't trust her" Kara answered. Barry looked up.
"What if I go with you?" Barry asked. Everyone looked at him confused. "I mean I could get you in before anyone notices and if it is a trap, I'll be able to get you out just as easy" Barry declared with a smile.
"Ok let's do it" Kara replied as she walked over to Barry. She flung her arms round wrapping him in a hug. "Thank you" she stated with a smile.

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