Test Runs

31 1 0

Gotham City

Wayne Manor

Kate and Barbra exited the taxi as they arrived at the manor. They made their way down the long drive of the manor entering through the front doors. As they got inside they were met by Tim and Julia. They all walked to the elevator to the Batcave, heading down into the depths of the manor. They walked out into the dark damp cave making their way over to the Batcomputer. Barbra turned on the computer and moved to a file labeled 'alien experiments'. She opened the folder to reveal a range of pictures. Three scientists kept entering and exiting a lab with multiple dangerous chemicals and supplies.
"Ok I understand those are dangerous chemicals but isn't that what scientists do?" Kate asked as she looked at the pictures.
"Yeah that was my initial impression as well, but I got curious. I hacked into the US government files and checked all their secret sites. This is not one of them. So that begs the question what are they doing there?" Barbra explained as she showed her evidence.
"So that's why you needed me?" Kate asked a little confused. Barbra nodded. "Why didn't Dick or Tim do it?" Kate questioned.
"Dick is not in Gotham at the moment and Tim is working on something else. Plus it's just a routine recognisance mission" Barbra explained. Kate nodded as she went to leave the cave.
"Where are you going?" Julia asked as Kate stepped into the elevator.
"The suit is at my place I'll let you know when I'm at the site" Kate stated as she rose up leaving the cave.
"You know I could have done it right? The clues can wait" Tim stated to Barbra.
"Yeah I know but we need Kate to start working with us, otherwise things can go sideways in a major way" Barbra replied. Tim nodded and went back to working on the clues that were starting to pile up in the cave. Kate exited the manor waving down a taxi to take her back to her apartment. She arrived at her apartment walking through the door and gathering her bat suit. On her side sat the piled up letters of job offers. Kate ignored the pile as she put on the suit. She tapped a button on her home phone to play the messages she had been left. The first message played.
"Hey it's Mallory, just wanted to see if you wanted to meet up after work. It's been a while since I've heard from and I want to know that your alright. Call me" the tied voice of Mallory spoke. The phone beeped before the second message played.
"Hey soldier, it's dad. I just calling to see if you available to meet for dinner this coming weekend. Cathrine really can't wait to meet, but I understand if your busy. Say hello to Beth for me. Love you" Jacob's voice bellowed through the apartment.
"Final message" the machine declared before it played the throes and final message.
"Hello Miss Kane, this is Bill from Arkham. We are just calling to confirm a scheduled visit tomorrow to see your sister Beth Kane. If you could call us back that would be greatly appreciated, thank you" the message ended. Kate came out of her room her suit fully covering her body. The black suit blending in with the darkness of the apartment and the red from the symbol, gauntlets and hair contrasting, offering a glimmer of light in the darkness. She glided out of the window and headed for the destination Barbra had told to go to. The site was off the coast of Gotham, it located on island that had broken off from Gotham when the Riddler tried to blow up Gotham. Batwoman glided down landing on top of the building. She tapped the side of her cowl activating the comms built into the suit. The comms fizzled on as Barbra started to speak.
"Hello Kate can you hear me?" Barbra asked. Batwoman crouched low to keep hidden.
"Yeah I can hear you" Batwoman confirmed as she started to make her way to the sky light of the facility. Three scientists walked into the building and directly into the main lab. "Shouldn't all the scientists be home for the night?" Batwoman asked with a confused tone.
"Well we have no info on the facility so I don't know. See what else you can find out" Barbra asked through the comms. Batwoman's eyes followed the scientists as they went into a vault in the lab closing the door behind them. Batwoman saw this as he chance to get in. She opened up the skylight by breaking the lock that kept it closed. She dropped down onto the floor making barely a sound, her cape draped around her as she rose from the floor. She walked over to one of the desks, a substance lay in a glass dish. Batwoman picked up the dish carefully and placed it under one of the microscopes. She gazed down into the microscope to observe what was on the dish. The substance had cells that were deteriorating.
"What the hell" Batwoman stated as her eyes were covered by lenses.
"It fine the lens just hep you see more" Barbra stated over the comms. Batwoman looked closer using the lenses a notification popping up stating it was human skin cells covered in acid.
"Why is this somebody's research?" Batwoman asked. Before she could get an answer the door to the vault swung open and out stepped the scientists. Batwoman looked at them with the lenses. She could see past their skin like with x-ray vision. As she looked at the scientists she noticed they were missing a lot of crucial organs.
"Who are and what are you doing here?" One of the scientists shouted at her.
"This is my city I go wherever I please" Batwoman responded using the voice modulator to mask her voice. "Now doctor can you explain why all three of you are missing a vital organ" Batwoman asked her fists clenched under the desk. The scientists eyes glowed red as they charged for Batwoman. Prepared Batwoman punched the first knocking him away. She caught the second's punch flipping her onto her back. The third jumped at Batwoman, but Batwoman caught him and flung him into a cabinet using her feet. Batwoman jumped back to her feet holding her fist ready to fight. The first scientist had gotten back up. He smiled as his body started to change. His body reconstructed itself until it formed a massive white creature. It stood at seven feet tall, had skinny arms and legs but a massive body and dinosaur like head. It's teeth were sharp and it's eyes glowed a crimson red. "Are you guys seeing this?" Batwoman questioned as she backed away from the creature. It swung it's colossal claws at Batwoman, which Batwoman only just managed to avoid. She flung a batarang at it, it pierced into the flesh of the creature. It looked at the batarang and pulled it out. It's flesh healed itself as it dropped the batarang to the floor. The other row joined the creature both transforming into a similar creature.
"Kate get out of there!!!" Barbra screened through the comms. Batwoman through smoke bombs onto the ground creating a cloud of smog. She tried to grapple out but one of the creatures grabbed her before she could escape. It's claws wrapped around her neck and pulled her in close. The creature opened its mouth as it tried to bite Batwoman. Batwoman freed one of her hand and grabbed another batarang. She jabbed the batarang into one of the creature's eyes causing it to drop her. She rolled backwards as the creature screened in pain. She rushed jumping out the back window, the glass shattering around her as she broke through. She started to plummet towards the sea as she fled. The creatures stood at the window observing Batwoman's descent. They looked back to the creature that who was pulling out the batarang in it's eye.
"Gather the troops and tell him it is time" the creature stated in Martian. The other two nodded as they walked back into the vault. The creature looked at the batarang in its hand crushing it as it clenched its claws. Below Batwoman got her head above the current, breathing out as she floated. She reached into the utility belt that was attached to the suit and pulled out an oxygen mask. She placed it over her face and started to swim back to shore.

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