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I was living my life wrong
Baby, oh baby
You weren't supposed to be in this song


"Iwaizumi, it's been weeks. C'mon, aren't you gonna do something about it?" Hanamaki groaned and slouched beside him.

They were at Matsukawa's apartment just to change the scenery, but have the same problem. Oikawa was out on a date until 11 p.m on a Thursday. Iwaizumi has to go home a bit early since he still has work tomorrow.

"Where's Mattsun?" Iwaizumi asked.

"He's buying Takoyaki. He should be back any minute now." Hanamaki answered while browsing television channels.

"Maki." Iwaizumi softly called him out while staring into nothing.

"Yeah?" Hanamaki asked while his eyes are glued on the television.

"Should I find Y/L/N and have a talk?" Iwaizumi asked.

Hanamaki slowly looked at Iwaizumi with excitement in his eyes. He calmed himself down internally and sat properly. At the right time, Matsukawa just arrived.

"What are you guys talking about?" Matsukawa asked and placed the paper bag on the table.

"I was thinking of reaching out to Y/L/N." Iwaizumi replied.

"That's a big step." Matsukawa nodded and took out the food he got a few minutes ago.

"I vote that Iwaizumi should ask Y/L/N out." Hanamaki replied.

"I think you should, too. Though, you need to consider other things." Matsukawa looked at Iwaizumi.

"What do you mean?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Y/L/N might be in another relationship or probably not ready." Matsukawa said.

"You're right, but I wouldn't know if I don't ask in person." Iwaizumi replied.

"There you go!" Hanamaki exaggerated and Iwaizumi playfully rolled his eyes.

"Good that you're taking a risk." Matsukawa gave him thumbs up.

After an hour, Iwaizumi left Matsukawa's apartment to get some rest. It was 10:30 p.m. and Iwaizumi stopped at 7/11 store to buy chocolate milk. Oikawa texted that he'll be home at a later time. Iwaizumi walked into the store and went straight to the fridge.

"One left?" Iwaizumi whispered.

Iwaizumi took it and closed the fridge to pay for the drink. After paying for the drink, he found an empty seat and drank his milk. Iwaizumi wanted to clear his mind before going to bed. This will haunt him if he didn't try to solve it right away.

"Iwaizumi?" Someone called out and he immediately looked over to his left side.

It was Y/L/N.

"Hey, Y/L/N." Iwaizumi greeted with a mini chaos happening in his mind.

"I knew it. Your hair is still the same." Y/L/N teased and Iwaizumi playfully forced a smile.

"Do you wanna sit beside me?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Sure. Thank you." Y/L/N replied.

Iwaizumi's heart is pounding and the sweat on his forehead is starting to form. Y/L/N was literally sitting beside him. There was a plan to ask Y/L/N, but he doesn't know if it's the right time to ask.

"Iwaizumi?" Y/L/N asked.

"Yes?" Iwaizumi replied.

"Are you okay? You seem pretty quiet." Y/L/N answered.

"Yes, I'm good. Thank you." Iwaizumi politely replied.

"You're still the same Iwaizumi." Y/L/N chuckled.

"I don't know if that's a compliment." Iwaizumi raised his eyebrow at Y/L/N.

"You know it is." Y/L/N playfully teased.

"Is it okay if I ask you a question?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Sure." Y/L/N took a sip from the cup before looking at Iwaizumi.

"Are you in a relationship?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Nope. Also, that was straightforward, I like it." Y/L/N gave him two thumbs up.

"Oh, I see." Iwaizumi softly hummed.

"We broke up 3 months ago." Y/L/N nodded.

"Oh, that must have sucked." Iwaizumi replied.

"No, I'm fine now." Y/L/N shrugged and drank the whole cup.

"It's getting pretty late, do you want me to walk you home?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Nope, thank you. I can manage to go home alone." Y/L/N answered.

"Alright, well, I'll go home now." Iwaizumi replied.

"Iwaizumi." Y/L/N called out.

"Yes?" Iwaizumi asked while the front door was slightly open.

"You still feel like sunshine." Y/L/N said and went outside to go home, as well.

Iwaizumi was taken aback and stared until Y/L/N walked away.

~ ~ ~
- Yay! Thank you for reading this chapter.

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