From the Author

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Hello!  This is my very first fan fiction ever.  This means that I've never written a story before lol.

I wanted this fanfiction to actually feel like a story. If the development of this story is too slow for you then this isn't the story for you.

The story will start during the Likey era. Any timeskips into any future era will be mentioned if I plan on it.



1. Italicized words are used to emphasize a character's inner thoughts Ex:  If it was Y/N's POV, the italicized text would show his thoughts.  Same can be said for different POV.

2. Bold words are used to emphasize different words or to differentiate the dialogue between characters.  Ex:  If it's Y/N's POV and he was talking to others, the bolded text will be used to help differentiate his dialogue from the other characters.  Same can be said for different POV.

[Note: For Parts 25 and above, #2 won't be used any more. ]

3. Bold and italicized words are used to show sound effects like BAM

4. Any picture, gif, or video used in the story can be imagined to be during the era that takes place in the story.

5. Because this is an AU (alternate universe), any K-Pop idols mentioned can be imagined to be of high school age.  If any major time-skips occur, they'll be slightly younger than their actual age. 

Ex: Mina is currently 17 and the story starts in 2017 (real age was 20 in 2017.) If it jumps to 2020, then Mina would be mentioned as 20 instead of 23.

6. There will be multiple POVs that the story will shift through throughout the story.

7. None of the pictures used belongs to me.

8. Story is bound to change on my discretion!


Like all stories on here, this story isn't perfect.  It's bound to have grammatical errors as well as misspelled words from time to time. (Apologies for the future!)

Also, all of these events are completely fictional and all from my imagination. There will be the occasional references that has happened in real life every now and then.

To be honest, I don't care how "popular" this story gets. If the story does bad then hey what can I do then? I just wanted to write and share my story with others out there.

I hope that you enjoy my story. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

- vaasifir

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