17: Tension

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3rd Person POV:

"Y/N... it's not a waste of time if I enjoyed it." Mina said with a beautifully genuine smile.  "Besides, I always have the most fun when I'm with you. Don't you know that?"

You genuinely couldn't believe what you were hearing. Mina really enjoyed her time with someone like you? You couldn't help but smile at her words.

To hear Mina say these types of things made you so happy. But truthfully, you were curious about if she meant what she had said. Did she really have the most fun whenever she was with you?

"Do you really...?" You asked.

Compared to all of these other idols and people that she's surrounded by, you imagined that you were mundane at best. How could Mina have the most fun with a boring person like yourself?

To you, it just didn't make any sense.

"To believe those words are up to you, Y/N." Mina vaguely answered. She looked down towards the floor before another notification went off again. "Seems like I need to get going now for real this time. See you later, Y/N."

Truthfully, Mina wanted to stay a bit longer. When she was with you, she was able to take a break from her normal schedule.  Plus, besides having a short break, you were pretty fun to talk to.

She found you as one of the few people that she was comfortable around.

With her smile that could melt hearts, you could only mindlessly wave at her as she walked through the door and left the apartment for good this time.

With the sound of the shut door echoing throughout the quaint apartment, the liveliness that was in the air had disappeared once Mina left the apartment.

Making your way back to the bed, you couldn't help but think back to today's events.

From the way that she played nurse with you to the way that she even cooked you a homemade meal, you couldn't believe that she had gone out of her way to take care of you today.

It was thanks to her that you were feeling much better.

Of course, you couldn't forget about Jennie. Without Jennie's little medicinal gift bag, you wouldn't have felt better in such a short amount of time. Wanting to thank her, you decided to text her your gratitude since she was most likely busy.


Hey J, heard from Mina that you came by (:

I just want to thank you really... I'm sorry that I wasn't awake ):

Awh, it's no problem Y/N!  Are you feeling better? (:

I'm feeling much better! ^^

That's good to hear (:

Really is (:

For now, just rest up (:

I'll see you at school tomorrow, right? ^^

Ne, ne (: Thank you, Jennie... I mean it.

Of course <3


If you were being honest to yourself, you knew that you had lied to yourself deep down. Your feelings for Jennie hadn't changed in the slightest as you had made yourself to believe.

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