22: 7 Minutes in Heaven

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Mina's POV:

How did I get myself into this mess?  Now that I'm here at this party, I wished that I was still at the dorm right now. 


Flashback, yesterday:

February 23, 2018


"Think of it as a... little get-together then..." 

BamBam was trying his hardest to convince me to go to this... party but I knew well enough that it would be anything but a 'little get-together.' Rather, it'd be a big celebration with barely enough room to breathe.

Why is he so adamant about me coming? 

"I... I don't know, Bam.  You know I don't like these big crowds surrounding me when I'm by myself.

Those words were true to themselves.  If I'm surrounded by people that I barely know, then I'll just want to go home. I really don't see the fun in hanging out with strangers.

He moved his face close to mine, "And that's why I'll be there with you. You won't be alone as long as I'm right there by your side, aniyo?" His voice was heavy with integrity as he flashed a gentle smile.

I scooched a couple of inches away from him. I don't know why, but BamBam had been acting strange ever since he brought up the party. Usually, I wouldn't mind this closeness with him at all, but it was just... different this time.

With this naturally flirtatious attitude of his and him being dangerously close to me, I'm sure that anyone else would be panicking in this situation that I was in right now.  I—for one—was close to panicking because of his actions.

"You're not wrong..."

"So, will you go with me then? If you want, I'll stay with you the whole tim-"

I was saved by my phone's ringer as it disrupted our conversation. We both just froze for a bit and I excused myself before getting my phone out. Checking it, the other girls told me we were about to leave.

Thank God...

BamBam didn't have to ask to know what that message was; I'm sure he understood it by now.  I got up from the couch and dusted myself before making my way to the door.  I could feel BamBam's gaze on my back this whole time.  Even if he didn't say anything, I knew that he wanted his answer from me.

I gripped the doorknob and just stood at the door for those few seconds.  Contemplating all of the pros and cons of this party would take more than the 10 seconds that had passed already.  At the moment, I know that he'd ask me about it later if I didn't give him one now.

"This party Bam..."  I focused on the wooden floor as I spoke to him, "It's going to be a big one, right?"

"Yeah, it is," I heard his voice from the couch, "V and the other BTS members are hosting it at their dorm.  It won't be a little get-together at all.  A lot of the people that we know are gonna be there"

"I'm sure that the party would be nice..." I turned to look at him now, "but I'm sorry... I won't be attending the party at all..."

There was a look of sheer disappointment on his face, "Oh okay... no worries, Mina... I understand..."

"I'll see you later though, ne?  It was nice talking to you, Bam.  Thank you for listening to me."

"Of course, Mina.  Anytime, anywhere, I'll do that for you always."

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