19: Missed Call

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3rd Person POV:

Mina was laying in her bed in the room that she shared with Nayeon, Sana, and Jihyo.  She didn't have anything going for her at the moment so she was mindlessly scrolling through her phone.

For Mina, today was very... hectic both physically and emotionally. 

Physically speaking, she felt exhausted from the meeting about the upcoming mini-album.  Knowing that she'd be very busy for the rest of February and all of March made her stressed just thinking about it. 

Emotionally speaking, her mind was all mixed up as she tried to process her feelings.  Feelings that were associated with a certain someone.  The 'someone' who played hooky with her and the same one that she also took care of yesterday. 

Mina didn't know why she was feeling like this.  Normally, she was fine around you. But after seeing you so close to Jennie like that again, it made her feel conflicted inside.

Clicking on her contacts app, she kept scrolling and scrolling until she stumbled on your name. She stared at the icon for a bit before she changed it to the selfie that you guys took in front of the Gyro Drop. Smiling to herself, she just stared at the new and updated contact photo for you.

Just that one photo made her reminiscent of that day. And Mina found herself missing you when she thought about that day for some reason.

As she was about to get out of the contacts app, her finger accidentally tapped the call button under your contact.  Before she knew it, her phone was ringing as it called your number.  Mina sat up on her bed with wide eyes as she just stared at her screen.

"No, no, no, no, no..."  She muttered in disbelief.

She just froze and her brain stopped working as she heard the ringtone just continuously ring. Her stomach was feeling queasy and her mind just went blank. Suddenly, she heard the ringing stop and she held her breath until she heard a voice on the other side of the line...


"Y- Y/N?"

Mina was dumbfounded to hear you on the other side. It was to be expected since she did—well you know—call your phone number by accident.  Truthfully, she didn't expect you to answer at all.

However, she was glad that you had answered it. Just hearing you enthusiastically answer her call made her happy.  Mina was all smiles as she chuckled from hearing just your voice.  It seemed like you were the only one that could make the awkwardness vanish from any dilemma.

"Y/N..."  Mina didn't know how to start the conversation she unexpectedly started.  She decided to go with a basic conversation starter, "What are you doi-"


Mina was confused by your answer.  Why were you apologizing for all of a sudden?  She was the one that bothered you in the first place after all. Plus, the phone call only started a mere 5 seconds ago.

"I can't answer the phone right now, so leave a voicemail and I'll call you back.  Y/N out!"


Hearing that beep sound threw Mina off.  This whole time, she thought that she was talking to you but it was a voicemail the whole time.  She couldn't believe that she got so happy from an automated voicemail recording from you.

"I had my hopes up from something like that..."

Ending the call, Mina sighed and threw her phone onto her bed.  Laying down, she was disappointed that you never answered her call.  Glancing over at the little Gyro Drop model gift that you gave her for Valentine's Day, she had wished that you had engaged in that accidental phone call. 

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