4: Crash

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Mina's POV:

The last time we saw Y/N was the very day that we met him. He hadn't come to school since that day and I wonder why. I wonder if his disappearance has anything to do with that thing that he had to take care of that day...

It's been almost a week since then and we haven't heard a word from him. I mean, we couldn't hear anything from him, even if we tried, since he never gave us his phone number. Sana has been really worried as each day passed with no sign of Y/N.  Since we didn't have any practice today, we decided to go to our morning classes. 

 "C'mon guys, let's go! Y/N's waiting for us!" said Sana as she jogged toward our classroom. 

Momo and I trailed behind her in a much less energetic way. I can't understand how Sana unnie has so much energy this early in the morning.  I wonder how she could always remain positive, even in situations like this. I hated to be the bearer of bad news, but someone had to say the inevitable. 

"Unnie, I don't think he's coming today either..." I quietly said as I followed her.

Sana stopped and turned towards me, "I know, Mina. I just don't want to assume the worst, you know? He's our friend and it's too bad that this happened." Sana replied meekly while feeling sad. 

Momo and I comforted her and she felt better after the sudden embrace.  I did feel bad for telling her that, but Sana knew that I was right. Hope couldn't always help in situations like these.  As we were about to enter the classroom, we saw someone standing by the door. It was Jennie. Jennie was one of Nayeon's friends and she sometimes came over to our dorm to hang out.

That's weird, why is she here if she's in Nayeon's class? 

Jennie had a worrisome look on her face and was by the door as if she was anxiously waiting there for someone.

"Annyeong Jennie!" Sana said as we approached her. Jennie returned the greeting to Sana and also greeted Momo and me, "So, what are you doing here, Jennie? Are you looking for someone in our class?" Sana asked as she looked at Jennie.  Jennie stood there quietly, pondering on how to answer Sana's question.

After some silence, Jennie finally answered Sana's question.  "To be honest, I wanted to talk to Y/N...do you know if he's here today or...?" 

She was curious about Y/N?  Well, that was unheard of. I've never seen her come here to talk to Y/N ever, even before we realized that he was in our class. Yet, I could tell that she was worried about him through her response. Why does she need to talk to Y/N? Is she a part of the reason that he wasn't coming to school?

"Oh, Y/N hasn't been to school for the past week or so. We don't know where he's at." Momo casually replied, clearly not reading the room. Sana had elbowed Momo in the stomach and Momo finally got the hint. Momo rubbed the area where Sana elbowed her as we all turned back towards Jennie.

She was processing what she heard about Y/N. About how he hasn't been to school in a whole week. The atmosphere was awkwardly tense as we all stared at Jennie. She clearly felt guilty about something...but what was it?

"Is that so? Y/N hasn't been here in a week..?" We nodded our heads and Jennie looked down at the floor, dazed from what Momo had told her.

The bell rang after a few minutes and Jennie suddenly snapped out of her dazed state. She apologized for taking up our time before heading off for BLACKPINK's practice. We all watched her until she turned a corner and disappeared from our sight. 

 "What was that about?" I turned to the others and they shrugged as they didn't know the answer either.

"I have no idea, Minari. It's weird that Jennie wanted to talk to him considering that I've never seen them together at school before." Sana said as she shrugged her shoulders in confusion. Sana was right though. That was weird. "Anyway, let's head in before we're counted late," 

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