16: Lovesick

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Y/N's POV:

Few weeks later, mid-February...

"My god..." I groaned as I laid in bed.

Right now, I'm feeling like absolute trash.  My whole body hurts like hell and I can barely move without feeling pain.  This morning, I had woken up sick. I probably got a cold yesterday when I drove home in the pouring rain.

Out of all the days that I could've been sick, I just had to be sick today! Why am I particularly upset about today? Well it's because it's February 14th. I was planning on going to school because of Mina, but I can't even do that.


I heard a notification from my phone and painfully rolled over towards my nightstand to check my phone. It seemed like everyone was wondering where I was.

"At home...sick..." I said out loud with every word I typed on my phone.

I turned my phone off afterwards and just laid in bed. The best thing that I could and only do right now is sleep. Before I closed my eyes, I glanced over towards my desk and smiled a bit.

"I wonder if she'd ever like that..."


Mina's POV:

Today is February 14th meaning that it's Valentine's Day. All throughout the school, girls were gifting guys gifts left and right.  I just wanted to get to class, but there were so many people in the hallways that it felt nearly impossible to get to my class.  Among this chaos, I felt a hand grab my shoulder.  Turning around to see who it was, it turned out to be BamBam that had done that.

"Mina!  Annyeong!"  BamBam happily said.

"Oh, annyeong Bam!  You caught me off-guard honestly..."  Before I could say anything else, he held out a gift bag towards me.  "B- Bam?  What's this for?"

He chuckled a bit, "Clearly it's for Valentine's Day today, Mina.  You're my Valentine today."

Honestly, I was thrown off by this.  My cheeks flared as I was looking through the contents of the gift bag.  All of the things that he got looked expensive to say the least.  Some type of necklace, roses, the list didn't end.

"Uh... thank you BamBam..."  

"Of course.  Do you want me to walk with you?"

I shook my head at his answer.  Truthfully, I just wanted to be alone right now.  BamBam looked disappointed from my answer, but he let me go nevertheless.  He waved goodbye before he disappeared in the crowd of people.

Finally arriving at Class 2-B, I sighed in relief as I opened the door.  My eyes immediately went towards the back of the class, where I sat with Sana, Momo, and Y/N.  Surprisingly, Y/N wasn't at his desk like he usually was. Whenever he was here, he was always the first one that I saw in the classroom.

That sucks... Y/N's not here today?

I waited in the silent classroom when I checked my messages. Seemed like there was plenty of messages from the group chat that I was in with the other girls and Y/N. Catching up with the conversation, it seemed like the others knew that Y/N wasn't here either.


Seeing that Y/N had sent the message, I scrolled down to see what he had to say.

"At home sick" his message simply said. 

I could only stare at the message that he sent.  Y/N was sick? Thinking back to last night's events, I'm pretty sure that I knew the reason as to why he was sick. I shouldn't have taken that from him last night.  If he had kept it last night, he probably wouldn't have been sick today.

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