Chapter 68

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Qu Qing once saw a sentence a long time ago, when you really try your best to do something, you will find that the whole world is making way for you, and now he feels the authenticity of this sentence.

In this era, he has no shortage of hard work, no faults, and no lack of talent. He also encountered a good time when the court granted amnesty to the world. Whatever he wants to do, even in the process, he will encounter failures, but in general terms , and most of them are naturally successful.

With the launch of movable type printing, he also began to make real money in this world. The owner of the bookstore undoubtedly saw business opportunities, so the two happily reached a cooperation. The boss was responsible for finding ways and channels to sell books to the whole country, while Qu Qing It is responsible for printing all kinds of books needed.

Doing these, although I did not become a millionaire, and books have not been a huge profit industry since ancient times, but it is still possible to make some small money after food and clothing.

In this era, it is undoubtedly an expensive and almost impossible thing to hire literate people as employees, but for Qu Qing, this is not a problem at all. He has a whole class of literate students as his assistants. There are nearly 30 people in the class, and it is not a problem to form a small printing factory. At the beginning, his wishful thinking of letting students become assistants can be considered as what he wanted.

People in the village heard that they can get rich without being hit by wind and rain, and it is such a high-level thing as printing books. Naturally, no one refused. Even grown-up adults expressed their desire to go to school to learn to read and write. , so that I can go to Qu Qing to help with the printing work after I know the characters.

Qu Qing welcomes anyone to come to the school, no matter whether it is men, women or children, he will not refuse, and even try to provide them with convenience.

Reading is a good thing. For others, reading can increase their knowledge. For him, the more people who read, the bigger the market will be in the future.

With the expansion of printing work, Qu Qing simply built a special printing house next to his house as a printing factory, and then invited the elderly in the village who are difficult or incapable to do simple and repetitive printing work for him. Literacy students are responsible for typesetting.

After a while, the literacy fever in the village quickly dissipated. After all, not everyone can really calm down and learn the things of the heart when they grow up, but in the end, there are still a few people who have learned it.

The villagers are not dissatisfied with Qu Qing's practice of inviting the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled, but admire him for doing a good deed. a reliance.

With the expansion of the business, some outsiders noticed their movable type printing technology, but Qu Qing did not deliberately hide it. After all, such a thing, a person with a flexible mind, looking at the printed words, will one day be able to think of it, but unexpectedly in the village The other people in the factory hide this technology very tightly. They seem to regard this technology as the property of their own village, and they will never disclose a word to outsiders. The printing location also prohibits any idlers from entering and leaving.

Qu Qing soon had a sum of money in his hand, and his paper mill was slowly making plans.

The whole village now fully believes in what he can do. For his new entrepreneurial move, almost everyone in the village can come to help, but no one said that he would collect money. Everyone is looking forward to waiting for Qu Qing's paper mill. After opening, can they hire them to work?

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