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Tae looked at his back after hearing someone's crying. There the girl he love is sitting on her knee and crying holding her head tightly.


Jisoo just stand in front of the door. But she went inside like something or someone pulled her inside. She don't know what is happening. She stood there and looked around. The house look the same. She saw the photos and the flashbacks come in her head.

She can't hold her tears anymore. Her inside mind also began to whisper. That's it she sit there and pulled her hair like a manic.

Tae ran towards her he don't what to do.

"Jisoo, don't cry. Be strong"

But Jisoo didn't hear anything. But she saw tae is coming towards her.

"Don't come to me, stay away from me "she said between her sobs. But tae ignored her.

"Please don't, " he again ignored.

Then she stood up her leg is shaking then she pointed towards him.

"Okay then. if you don't, I will do that" she said and ran towards the upstairs. Tae didn't what is in her mind. Then something come up in his mind.

"No, Jisoo don't "he also ran behind her.

He went towards the rooftop and saw she is standing there and going to jump down.

"No Jisoo, don't "

"Why, I don't want to live as a bad luck"she said. She is breathing heavily.

"No Jisoo don't say like that. You're not a bad lu.." He can't finish his sentence.

"You don't know anything about me Mr. Kim that's why you're saying like that. You know my existence is bad luck for everyone. When I born my mother died and then my father. After that people who lived with me also have problems because of me. Then my love, my only life Jimin
he is also gone with our little one. It's all because of me. So I don't want to live. I wa.."

"Stop it Jisoo. Think it's not your fault. It's God's faith. Accept the fact Jisoo it's just a faith. It's not because of you. You're not a bad luck. If you are bad luck, then they will be died after being with you but no that's didn't happened. You think that if you die then people who love you will live happily. No Jisoo, they can't. Even Jimin will feel sad and guilty, he will also blame himself like you. You know he want you to live happily. He don't want you to live like this like blaming yourself, hurting and living like a hell. You're an angel, Please.... Please don't...........Sooya"

Jisoo didn't what is happening her. Her sight get blur and her leg is shaking she is going to fall. But Tae quickly went there and pulled her towards his body so she don't fell down.

He put her in the room. He also sat next to her and hold her hand.

"I don't know, what is going to happen after you wake up. I hope that everything will fine and your pain that's you hiding inside will heal and began to smile. "His tears slowly come out from his eyes after thinking about what just happened.

"I thought I lost you"

After sometime he also fell asleep.

Jennie, Kai and Jimin's parents went there. They wanted to know what is happening there. Kai called Tae but he didn't pick up. So they decided to check them.

They went their and saw the front door is open. They looked each other. They went inside and didn't see anyone. Then Jennie asked

"Are you sure they reached here"

"Yes babe. Tae messaged me " kai said.

"Can we look at the room "Mr. Park walked towards there and they followed.

They saw Jisoo is sleeping the bed and tae is sitting and he is also sleeping tiredly. They looked at each other with a smile.

Tae slowly opened his eyes after felt someone's presence. He looked at there and saw jenkai and also a old couple too. He stood up.

"When you guys come"he asked.

"Just now"

"Can you come with me, I want to tell you something "they followed him.

Tae told them about what happened.

"I think that I'm failed. I can't make her happy." He looked down.

"Hey tae don't say like that. I think that she will be okay after wake up"

"We think so"they assured him.

Jimin's parents went to the room where Jisoo sleeping. Mrs. Park sat down next to her and she slowly stroke her hair. Jisoo slowly opened her eyes and looked up and see Jimin's mom who is already looking at her with her eye smile like his son.

"You awake dear "Jisoo is going to stand but Jimin's mom stop her.

"You're very tired so rest. Mom will going to take something to eat " she stood up and began to walk. But Jisoo held her hand. She looked her. Jisoo shook her head as don't go. Then she sit there.

Jisoo don't very she have the courage come. She just hugged Jimin's mom tightly and began to cry . She patted her back.

"Don't cry dear. I can't see you like this. How can me, all mother will hate to see their daughter tears. So don't cry"

"M.. M.. Mom" she called Mrs. Park. She is really happy after hearing that.

"Jisoo we missed you. Why did you leave us "
She asked. Then Mr. Park also went towards them. "Are you two forget about me" then he patted Jisoo's head.

"Are you okay now "she nodes her head. That time Tae and jenkai also come. Tae looked at Jisoo and hoping that she is okay. She is also looked at him. Jennie also went towards her and hugged her. "Chu are you okay ".

"Yaa don't ask her the same question. She is really okay. Right daughter " Jimin's mom said.

That's it Jisoo smiled and nodded her head and everyone looked at her shockingly.
"Wahhh. My chu smiled "Jennie cheerfully said. Tae sighed at that. He is really happy that she is really okay now.

At the night time they didn't left there. They decided to stay.

Tae stood up in the balcony and looking at the sky. But then he hear someone clearing their throat. He turned his head and saw Jennie.


"Someone is waiting for you to tell something "

"Who"he asked.

"Jisoo"after hearing her name he bagan to walk.

"Btw thanks and sorry for doubting your plan"jennie said and he gave her a smile and left hurriedly.

He went to the room and saw Jisoo looking a photo. That's Jimin and Minji with her. He cleared his throat to get her attention.
She looked at him and motion him to sit.

"Why did you call me"he asked. She took a deep breath.

"Thank you for everything. You realized me everything . Now I know that there is many people want me to happy. Again thank you. And also Jennie told me everything that it's your plan to make me happy" she smiled.

"It's okay. I'm glad that finally I can see your smile. Please smile more that's really suit you " then he again asked her something.

"Can I ask you something "she nodded.

"Are ready to visit Jimin's and Minji's grave. You know they are waiting for you " she didn't say anything.

"It's okay, if.."

"I'm ready"she looked up to him.

"I want  "

I don't know what I wrote. you guys know I reread the chapters. Now I know there is full of mistake 😁😁 but you guys still supported me. Thank you so much for you support and votes and take care of yourself

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