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Kai, Tae and Jisoo went to the graveyard. Kai is the one who walk in front and the rest of them followed him. Cause he is the one who know where is Jimin's and Minji's grave.

After a while Kai stopped and looked at them. "We are here".

That's it Jisoo's heartbeat come fast. Now she have doubt that she is ready or not to face them. But Jisoo assured herself."Jisoo don't be nervous. You're ready to face this". She looked at tae and kai they assured her. But in their mind they also scared about her. She take small step and stood the middle of the graves and put the flowers which is she bought for them.

Kai held Tae's hand and he looked at jisoo "Jisoo take your time. we will wait you " she nodded. Then he looked at Tae who is looking jisoo worriedly and whispered "don't worry bro, she will be okay" they went ouside.

Jisoo is staring at the graves. The two graves are really near. She sit in her knees in the middle of her boyfriend's and daughter's grave and put her hand on where their name written and slowly carres it.

"How are you two? I know you are waiting for me. I'm sorry i didn't come to see you. I'm sorry "slowly tears come in her eyes. But then suddenly she heard a familiar voice.

"Did you come here to cry. You know Sooya i don't like when you cry"

"Jimin" she saw Jimin and Minji also in his arm. They are look like an angel.

"It's true we are waiting for you to visit us. We missed you. But we know your situation. Why Sooya, why...  You deserve a happy life"

"How can I live a happy after you and Minji left me. You know that you both are my happiness "she began to cry.

"Mumma don't crwy" her daughter said. She missed this moment. She know it just her imagination or something, but not real.

"Sooya we are happy because we lived  happly with an angel our rest of life. But now we are sad because of the angel living her life like a hell. So my angel now promise me you will be happy and smile more"

"I promise you Jimin"

"Don't cry anymore . We are watching you Sooya "

They disappeared.

"Sooya "this time is not Jimin it's Tae. He is really worried about so he want to check her if she okay . She looked at him and smile.

"Yaa don't worry I'm okay"she wiped  tears away.

Tae is packing his things cause he can't stay here. He have a company to take care. Tae is not happy. Cause he can't take Jisoo with him. She want time to recovery and he don't know after that she will come with him.

Everyone is waiting for Tae in hall. Mrs. Park and Jennie went towards Jisoo.

"Chu, we want to ask you something" She looked at them.

"What is it?"

"Mmm daughter we know that you love my son very much. But you know he is not with us anymore. So you have to move on and start a new life with a guy who loves you like Jimin "

"Mom I don't know how can I move on from him. But I will try and A new life I don't think so there is anyone love a girl like me"

"Don't say like that chu, we know there is a guy likes no loves you very much and you know too who is that guy"jennie said referring tae. Jisoo also understand that.

"But he is not deserve a girl like me"

"Please dear, give him a chance. We know he loves you very much. He will make you happy and heal your pain like Jimin. Please... Just give him a chance. After all he did all the things to see your smile "

Jisoo thinks that. Then she decided to give him a chance. Then she go to her room.
Mrs. Park and Jennie smiled each other and they also followed her.

Tae come to hall. Mr. Park hugged him.

"Thank you son for everything and please visit us sometime, okay"
"I will"Tae smiled at him. Then He looked at Kai, he also give him tight hug.

"I will miss you my friend"

"I will miss you too and don't worry I will come to your wedding anyway , Even if you don't invite me"

"Yaa how can't I invite you, after all you're my friend" Kai pouted. They all laughed at Kai cuteness. Then Tae looking for the certain person, the girl he love and not only her but also the other women too.

"Kai where is Jennie, aunty and Jisoo " Tae asked.

"They were here until just before you came. I don't know where they went now"

"Babe we are here "Jennie come with Mrs. Park.

"Mm aunty and Jennie I'm goi..." suddenly they heard Jisoo voice.

"How can you go without me. You're the one who bring me here and are you going alone" there he saw Jisoo come with a bag.
They shocked after seeing this especially Tae.

"Yaa she is correct, how can you go without her"mrs. Park also said and Jennie smirked.

"But Jisoo I thought you want some time to heal yourself.."but again cutted.

"You're the one who can heal her and are you going to leave her"this time jennie said.

Jisoo come towards him.
"Jisoo,you're ready for this"

"I'm ready. And I'm giving you a chance "
She smiled at him very sweetly. He can't control his tears anymore after all he is waiting for this time. But he didn't except it will be this early.

"Are you crying "she asked him. He shook his head and held her hand.

"Thank you Jisoo for giving me a chance. You know now I'm the happiest person in the world " Tae looked very happy. Jisoo get the deja vu at that, years ago Jimin also looked at the same excitement after she accept his confession. Now she sure that Tae can heal her, make her smile and also love her like Jimin.

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