~On the Run pt 1&2 - 🔴🔵~

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Idea/context: Inspired by the story Green by InkPencil-
Skeppy is on the run and finds Bad, who lives alone in the forest.

Type: hurt/comfort kinda?? A little fluffy too, I guess. Not really sure. Also Skeppy is OOC for a lot of this, mostly due to plot reasons, more of which will be explained in later parts. I actually liked this story a lot, but I don't plan on ever finishing it. You guys get a lot of old drafts though!

TW: Injury

Part 1:

Skeppy ran through the dark forest, dashing between trees and avoiding mobs. Suddenly he came face-to-face with a creeper. He bit back a scream as he pushed it away, not stopping in his sprinting. He heard the explosion behind him and his breathing hitched. He stopped, leaning against a tree while he caught his breath. He was running out of energy. He looked back the way he came. It was silent, except for the groans of the undead and the rattling of bones. Every now and then a soft hissing sound could be heard from the trees, accompanied by a flash of glowing red eyes. But there were no signs of any people.

Was he safe? Finally, after nearly an hour of running, had he gotten away?

Suddenly, a low growl sounded from beside him. He snapped his gaze towards the sound and was met with the snarling face of an angry wolf.

"Heh... Hi, there, doggy..." He whispered nervously. "You're a good doggy, right? You won't hurt me, will you?"

The wolf prowled closer, fangs glinting in the faint moonlight. Skeppy leaned away, and ended up backing into the tree he had been leaning against.

Slowly, carefully, Skeppy extended his hand, and the wolf came closer, sniffing.

"See," the boy whispered, "we can get along..."

Then the wolf barked loudly, snapping its teeth at Skeppy's hand. He managed to pull his hand away just in time.

"N-never mind! You're a bad dog! Very bad dog!" He scrambled away before the wolf got a chance to tear him to shreds. His run wasn't over, then. He ran and ran until he couldn't run anymore, and the moon was high in the sky.

Finally he fell to his knees, out of energy. He had no food. He was lost. He couldn't go back home. He had nothing. A tear slipped down his cheek, and then another. More kept coming, and a sob escaped his lips. He wiped his face with his torn shirt sleeve, smearing dirt across his cheek in the process. Everything was such a mess. But he couldn't give up. He couldn't. So he stood up, and kept walking, on weak, wobbling legs.

But then he saw something. Through his teary, blurry vision, he saw a light. He stumbled towards it. A house came into view between the trees. It wasn't too big and wasn't too small, with oak wood walls and a roof of spruce wood. It looked fairly friendly, but would he be safe there? Surely he was far enough away that the inhabitants of this house wouldn't be trying to harm him. But if they were...

Finally he decided to sneak around the house to see more of it. If he could just get his hands on some food, he would be okay for a while. He slowly approached the house, hiding behind tree trunks to avoid being seen. Then he spotted something. A berry bush was hanging from a pot on the side of the house. He could take the berries. He didn't take his eyes off his target as he got closer and closer. Finally, he was close enough to touch the house. He reached up to the basket. It was just too high, forcing him to stand on his tiptoes, bracing an arm against the wall of the house.

A clump of red berries hung tauntingly just above his fingers, and he reached with all his might.

He just barely touched the berries when he heard a loud bark from behind him, startling him and causing him to lose his balance. All of a sudden, he was on the ground, and a dog was barking as it stood over him, much like the wolf from before.

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