~On the Run pt 3 - 🔴🔵~

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Continuation of On the Run, see pt 1 for notes.

TW: None


Skeppy woke up the next morning feeling better after the night's rest.

"Can I walk today?" He asked Bad, who had brought some breakfast for the smaller boy.

"No... It'd be best if you waited until tomorrow or the day after. You might hurt yourself if you don't give yourself enough time to heal properly," Bad said.

"But it doesn't even hurt anymore," Skeppy whined, pouting. "I won't run or do anything dangerous, I just want to get out of bed."

"I know, Muffin, but I really think you should wait a little bit longer," Bad said.

Skeppy huffed, crossing his arms. "Fine..."

"Oh!" Bad got an idea. "I know something that might cheer you up! Wait here."

Bad left the room, returning a few minutes later with a large, cylindrical object in his arms. It was covered with a velvet cloth, so Skeppy couldn't see what it was. Bad sat it down on the bedside table, carefully scooting it over for Skeppy to see.

"What is it?" Skeppy asked.

Bad smiled. "You liked Marmalade, didn't you?"

"Yeah," Skeppy nodded.

"Well, meet Raspberry!" Bad removed the velvet cloth, revealing a bird cage. Inside the cage was a bright red bird, perched on a small swing that hung from the top of the cage. It twittered happily when the cloth was removed.

Bad opened the front of the cage, reaching in and holding his hand out to the bird. It hopped down onto his finger, and he pulled it out for Skeppy to see.

"Raspberry is my bird. She's pretty friendly, even to strangers," Bad said, stroking Raspberry's red feathers.

Raspberry eyed Skeppy curiously.

"Here, hold your hand out," Bad instructed. Skeppy did. "Now hold still..." He moved Raspberry over, and the bird hopped into Skeppy's hand.

Skeppy gasped quietly, giggling as he held the bird. It climbed up his arm, perching on his shoulder. Skeppy grinned, not daring to move with the bird there.

"See! She likes you already!" Bad said.

Raspberry tapped Skeppy with her beak. It tickled, and Skeppy struggled to hold still. Finally, the bird flew up on top of his head, snuggling into his hair with a chirp of content.

"Uh..." Skeppy didn't know what to do.

"I think she wants to stay with you," Bad laughed. "Here." He reached up and brought the bird back down. "Do you want to feed her?"

Skeppy nodded, and Bad left, returning a few moments later. He gave Skeppy a small handful of birdseed, and Raspberry fluttered down, pecking the seeds out of his palm.

"She actually isn't really a... domestic bird," Bad said. "But she and I are friends, and sometimes she likes to come and stay here with me. Then, she'll fly away for a while, out with the other birds, and eventually comes back."

"How many pets do you have?" Skeppy asked as he watched Raspberry eat.

"Well, I have one cat and one dog that live with me. Then Raspberry shows up from time to time. I have a cow, and a horse, and a pig, and a few chickens in the little barn that I built. I don't really have any other pets, but there is a family of rabbits that lives in my shed during winter, and I like to check on the fish that live in a pond nearby pretty often..."

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