~Illegal Love pt 1 - 🔴🔵~

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Idea: Bad is a member of the Fae, which live in a mountain kingdom known as the Upperlands. Skeppy, however, lives in the Forest with his fellow Forestfolk. The two love each other very much, but they are forbidden to be with each other. As they continue to meet in secret, it only becomes more and more clear that Bad is hiding something...

Tw: none I think, but I will mention that Bad and Skeppy's relationship in this story is never really made clear. I don't think I explained it very well in the story, but basically they have romantic feelings for each other but decide to just call it a friendship because it's too dangerous to have a romantic relationship.

A/N: I actually really enjoyed writing this story, and I have several more chapters written. I honestly would've liked to make it it's own book, but I don't see myself continuing it. However, if you all like it enough, I might post all of the parts separately (there are like 10 of them, which would maybe be too much for this collection book.)

Bad landed on the forest floor, folding up his wings behind him when his feet touched the ground. He walked ahead, a lightness in his step, heading for the meadow. A wide smile was spread across his face, and his eyes glowed with excitement. He was headed to meet his friend, Skeppy, and he couldn't be happier. He held a bunch of flowers in his arms, hand-picked and chosen specially for his friend from the greenhouse. Bad couldn't wait to see Skeppy's reaction at the sight of all of the fresh blooms.

The meadow soon came into view, peeking out from in between the trees. Bad could see Skeppy waiting for him, standing in the soft grass, facing away from his flower-wielding friend. That only caused Bad to grin even wider, with the knowledge that he could easily sneak up on the unsuspecting Skeppy.

He silently tiptoed over, raising his arms up, until he stood right behind his friend. Then, all of a sudden, he let go of the flowers, laughing as they fell down like confetti around Skeppy.

"Hi!" Bad grinned. Skeppy whirled around to meet him, eyes wide. He relaxed slightly at the sight of his friend.

"Geez, dude, you didn't have to scare me like that!" Skeppy crossed his arms. "I know you're some devil creature, but that doesn't mean you have to actually be frightening."

"Imp," Bad corrected. "Well, technically imp. It's kind of a mix between an imp and a fairy." He scratched his head, considering. "I don't know why they didn't just give us a proper name."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Skeppy rolled his eyes.

Bad smiled down at the raven-haired boy. "You have something in your hair," he giggled. A flower sat on Skeppy's head, hanging sideways towards his ear.

Skeppy reached up and batted the flower away. "Yeah, what's up with all this?" He gestured to the blooms that now covered the earth around their feet.

"I thought you might like it if I brought you some of the flowers from our greenhouse," Bad said.

"Yeah, I like it, but..." He bent down to pick up a particularly large blossom, with round, velvety petals, each one roughly the size of his entire hand. "This is insane!"

Bad's grin widened with pride. "You really like them? I picked them specially for you."

"Yes, I like them!" Skeppy smiled, and reached up to put the large flower on Bad's head. The pink petals flopped down, like some sort of ridiculous hat. Skeppy laughed at the sight, covering his mouth with his hand.

"You muffinhead," Bad chuckled, brushing a petal out of his eyes.

"Oh! That reminds me! I have a surprise for you, too." Skeppy reached into the satchel that hung at his hip, and said, "Close your eyes."

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