~Two-Faced - 🟠⚪~

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Idea: I'm not really sure how I came up with this one, and I also don't really know how best to describe it... The story explains itself, but basically Jef is convinced to make some choices he probably shouldn't and Good has to help him fix it.

Tw: Description of low self-esteem/self-image

"I-I don't know... I'm not sure I should... I mean- Good wouldn't be happy with me, a-and-" I stammered uncertainly, half tempted to follow the merchant's advice but also very skeptical about it all.

"Not happy withhhh you? No, darling, he'ssss going to love it!" The merchant's voiced hissed in my ear, the 's' sounds drawn out and the 't's sharply enunciated, his voice sharp yet bouncy at the same time. It was almost hypnotic, the way his voice flowed and caught a person's attention like a hook catching a fish. I was at the edge of my seat with each word, waiting to hear what he said next eagerly. "You're ssssimply becoming a better verssssion of yourssssself, what isss there to be unhappy withhhh?"

I looked in the mirror, my eyes flitting to the little notes and advertisements taped to the shiny surface. "Become the you you were meant to be," one read. Another said, "Be your best self." I bit my lip indecisively.

"Look, darling," he said, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Sssssee all the flawssss and imperfectionssss? We can fixxx that for you. With your new and improved face, you can be perfect, and no one will have a reassson not to adore you!" He smiled at me in the mirror.

"W-what if he doesn't like it, though? What if I change my mind?" I asked, turning away from my reflection to look up at him.

"We have a cussstomer ssssatissssfaction guarantee, of courssse. If you're unhappy for any reassson, jussst come back and we can undo the processss. Though, no one hasss ever done that before - and I doubt you will be the firssst," he said, with another smile.

I turned back to the mirror, still debating. As unsettling as the merchant was, I desperately longed for what he was offering - confidence, beauty, and to be attractive. Because when I looked in the mirror and he showed me my flaws, I saw them. My nose was just a bit too big to fit my face, and my mouth just a bit too small. My eyes were too droopy, always looking sad or tired, and there were light freckles on my left cheek but not on the right. If only I were just a little different, I could be so much better. And the merchant, well, he said he could fix it.

The merchant reached over my shoulder, lightly taking my chin and turning my face from side to side. "There'ssss ssso much potential, darling! Jussst think of how much he'll love you with your new face!" My heart pounded at the words. Good... he would approve of this, right? He would want me to be happy with myself. And if that meant going through with this whole "new face" thing, he would want me to do it. Besides, the merchant was right. Good would like the new me better anyways.

"How much will it cost," I asked finally, my mind just about made up.

"Mmm, jussst a few yearssss," the merchant said lightly.

"A few years? What does that mean?"

"Oh, not any important yearsss... Jussst the onesss you aren't ussssing anymore." He placed his hands on the back of the chair I was sitting in, a pleased expression on his face.

"My memories...?" I was confused about it, to be honest, but I was trying to understand what he meant.

"Jussst a few," he answered. "What good will they do you anywaysss? The passst isss in the passst, and your new face will lead you into a better future! Why hold onto memoriesss you no longer need?"

"That's true..." I sighed, looking at my reflection one last time. "Alright, let's do it... Give me a better face, please."

The merchant grinned. "You've made the right choice, darling." He walked to the other side of the room to grab a few things before coming back towards me. He began to arrange some things on the table in front of me. "Oooh, preparing to confessss, weren't you? With your new face, he won't be able to sssay no to you."

~Skephalo & Jefhalo - Oneshots, Drafts, and More~Where stories live. Discover now