~Royal Pains - 🔴🔵~

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Idea/prompt: A royalty au in which Bad is suffering from a curse and incredibly strict parents who have kept him hidden away in the castle for most of his life. Due to these circumstances, Bad is extremely self-conscious and awkward, especially around other people. When it comes time for him to meet some visitors for the first time, he can't imagine things going well, but Prince Skeppy proves him wrong.

Tw: Low self-esteem/body image, somewhat verbally/emotionally abusive parents

Type: angst

A/N: Let me know if you want to see a continuation to this (as usual, I have another part or two written)

"Bad!" Bad's mother called for him, drawing him out of his room as he followed her voice down the corridor.

"Yes, Mother?" Bad caught up with her, following as she hurried down the corridor towards the dining hall. He was careful not to step on her skirts as he walked behind her. While a prince would usually be expected to walk alongside the king and queen, Bad's parents preferred that he follow behind; that way, they wouldn't have to see him as much. His parents had come to adopt the thinking that children were to be neither seen nor heard, as much as possible, even when the child in question happened to be 17 years old.

"We're having visitors this morning. I expect you to be presentable by 10:30, no later. Your behavior must be exemplary; I won't have you disappointing your father and me like last time." Bad's face flushed at his mother's words. They rarely ever got visitors, and it was even more rare when Bad had to meet them. He remembered the last time he had to greet guests and visibly cringed.  That interaction had not gone well at all, and Bad had been sentenced to three months locked in his room as punishment. He would hate for that to happen again.

"I won't disappoint you," Bad said, knowing fully well that it was nearly impossible not to disappoint his parents.

"Good. You're dismissed." His mother waved a hand over her shoulder, sending him away.

Bad let out a sigh of relief as he walked back to his room. Being around his parents always made him nervous, and he was glad to have an interaction that hadn't ended in their disappointment. When Bad made it to his room, he closed the door and leaned against it, letting out a breath. He pulled his desk chair over and wedged it under the door handle, effectively barricading the door. Sometimes he had to be creative when he wanted privacy; his door had no lock on the inside.

Once he knew that he wouldn't be interrupted, he sat on the edge of his bed, slouching over a bit and resting his head in his hands. If his parents caught him with such terrible posture, they would certainly be very upset. Perhaps they would punish him, and cover all the backs of his chairs with thumb tacks to force him to sit up straight. Or maybe they would have a servant follow him around and slip ice cubes down the back of his shirt every five minutes. Both were dastardly punishments, and he sat up before either of them could ever have a chance of becoming anything more than ideas.

Sighing, Bad stood up and walked over to his mirror, frowning at his reflection. His dark brown hair was frustratingly messy, and it was becoming darker and darker by the day. It would be black by the end of the week, no doubt. His eyes were dull, their green color beginning to fade. He missed the time when they had been as bright as fresh cut spring grass, but that was a long time ago by now. And his skin - oh, his skin - it was a dark, ashy grey-black, with a hint of its original pale peach lingering behind. It was as if he had been sent up a chimney and came back covered in ash and grime. No wonder his parents didn't want to look at him.

Turning away, Bad went to his closet, looking for something that he would look half-decent in. To be honest, though, he wasn't sure what type of clothes would be suitable for meeting guests. It had been so long since he'd last seen visitors, he didn't remember what the dress code had been.

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