~Illegal Love pt 5 - 🔴🔵~

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"What do you think it is that I'm refusing to tell you? What secrets of mine do you want to know?" Bad asked.

"What do you do?!" Skeppy exclaimed. "What's your job, and where do you go every summer?! Just tell me the truth. Don't try to work around it, Bad."

"I wasn't lying when I told you I'm an archer. I'm just... a special kind of archer," Bad offered, as if the vague explanation would suffice. "And every summer, I leave town, to go... do... things..."

Skeppy stared at Bad, unimpressed. "Is that really all you're going to tell me?"

"Do I really have to tell you more?" Bad asked, sounding unwilling to give up his secrets. "Skeppy, there are reasons I haven't told you these things. My job is very important and serious, and what happens in the summer is very personal. I know you want to know more, but I'm not sure I should tell you these things."

Hurt and disappointment shone in Skeppy's eyes. "Fine. Keep your secrets. I thought you could trust me with personal and private matters, but I guess I was wrong." He stood up and began to walk away, but Bad grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"Skeppy, stop, that's not true!" Bad stood up to meet the raven-haired boy's eyes. "If it really matters to you that much, I'll tell you, okay?"

Skeppy shook his head. "No. Just forget it, Bad. I'd rather you tell me of your own accord rather than because I force you to. I'm sorry, Bad," Skeppy sighed, wrapping his arms around his friend in a hug. "I don't want to argue with you anymore. I was supposed to spend this time enjoying your company, but I had to go and start an argument... I'm sorry."

Bad smiled down at the shorter boy, returning the hug. "Aw, it's okay, Skeppy. I forgive you."

"I just worry about you, you know? I care about you a lot, and I worry that you'll get hurt or something. It's hard not to worry when I don't know what's going on." Skeppy looked up at Bad with his big, brown eyes. "When you leave this summer, promise me you'll stay safe."

"I will, I promise. Everything will be alright, really." Bad tried to calm Skeppy's worries, but it was of little use. Skeppy was clearly still anxious about it. "Skeppy, I've been going on trips like this for most of my life. Nothing bad happened any of those times, and nothing bad is going to happen this time. I promise."

"Okay... If you're certain..."

"I am." Bad looked up into the sky, searching for the sun. To his surprise, it was already getting late in the afternoon. Sunset would be coming in a few hours. "Hey, I need to go. I'm sorry I can't stay longer; I really wish I could... Are you ready for me to leave, or do you need a few more minutes?"

"I'll never be ready," Skeppy mumbled, holding Bad close in the last few minutes they had together. "I don't want you to leave..."

"I know, you muffin." Bad ruffled Skeppy's hair gently. "It'll be alright, just stay strong, okay? I'll be back before you know it."

Bad was the first to pull away. He knew that if he stayed in the hug any longer, he wouldn't be able to let go. That's the reason why he tried to avoid sad farewells; they felt permanent, even when they were usually only temporary.

"Bye, Skeppy. I'll see you soon," Bad smiled sadly, stepping away, back towards where he came from.

"Bye. I'll miss you." Skeppy sniffed, trying not to cry. He watched as Bad turned around and walked into the forest, disappearing in the trees. A few moments later, he could hear Bad's wings flap as he took off, and he could see his friend flying back to the mountain of the Fae.


The next morning, Bad got up extra early. He just had a little bit of work left to do, and then he had the rest of the month free. Of course, he had originally been planning to spend a lot of that time with Skeppy, but it seemed like that wasn't an option anymore. So, he would use it to be productive.

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