~Under the Vines pt 3 - 🟠⚪~

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Tw: none, I think (feel free to let me know if I forgot about/missed something)

A/N: I rewrote the begining of this one, but the majority of it is old. Enjoy!

"So, the boy is awake?"

"Uh, yes," Good answered, rubbing his shoulder a bit awkwardly as he sat across from the president of the organization. "I think the pain shocked him enough to bring him back to consciousness."

"I would like to see it..." The president mused, sitting back in his office chair. "I'm curious about this specimen you've been so obsessed with."

Good bristled, "He's not a- I mean, I'm not sure he's ready  for visitors yet." He just managed to catch his tongue. "He still hasn't spoken to me yet, and I'm sure he's very confused about everything."

"Ah, well, when he's well enough to come to my office, I suppose I'll see him then." The president waved a hand dismissively, "Continue taking care of him, your methods seem to be working. Until you feel he's well enough to see others, you will be the only employee with authorization to see him. I've already called for extra security to be placed at the entrances to your exhibit. Unless you have questions or concerns, you are dismissed." The president had already turned away, sorting through some paperwork.

"No. Thank you, sir." Good said, then left.


Good was glad when he was finally able to return to the garden. He didn't want to leave his pumpkin waiting a moment longer.

He didn't know why he was mildly surprised to see the boy exactly where he'd left him. It wasn't as if the boy was able to walk around yet, he was still rooted in the ground, after all.

"Hello?" Good called as he approached, wondering if the boy was still awake. He He walked to the boy's front and crouched at his side. "Oh. Hi, pumpkin." Good said softly.

The boy watched him through half-lidded eyes.

"You can understand me, right?"

The boy let out a small sound of affirmation, dipping his head in a half-nod.

A small smile pulled at Good's lips as he gazed at the boy he had been taking care of for the past couple months. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time now, and he was glad to finally have reached this point.

"You hungry, pumpkin? I can go get you some food," Good offered, watching the boy carefully.

The boy shook his head, his eyes beginning to drift closed, as if he were struggling to stay awake.

"Well you ought to at least drink some water, even if it's just a little bit." Good grabbed a nearby water bottle, unscrewing the lid. He brought the boy's head onto his lap, tilting it up and letting the boy sip a bit of water. "There you go..." He put the water away, running a hand through the boy's hair. "You probably don't feel too good, huh? I'm sorry. I know it hurts... Everything's gonna be okay, though. Soon you'll be out of here, I promise. We won't have to deal with anymore vines."

A small smile formed on the boy's face. He seemed to like the idea of being vine-free. He fell asleep after a little bit, a calm expression on his face.


I missed this. The prescence of other people. The ability to see the world. All the pain and exhaustion will be worth it, if I can live my life like normal again. After so long of being stuck in the ground, covered in vines, someone's finally come to help me. I wish I could've gotten a better look at him. I couldn't really focus on anything, and my vision was blurry, but I was able to see him a little bit. Brown hair, rectangular glasses, wearing a blue jacket of some kind. And his voice is nice, not too loud, full of care. It's soothing. I wish I were stronger, and then I could thank him. I could stand up and hug him and tell him how grateful I am that he's helping me.

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