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i couldnt help but feel bad for her, she seemed so annoyed but i could tell she was just using her anger to mask her sadness. from the little amount of time i have known aria ive seen how much she hides her emotions.she is very good at it but i am also vey good at reading peoples emotions even when they try their best to hide it

we are nearly at my house but she has stayed silent the hole drive,not a single sound has left her mouth. i wish she didnt have to feel this way,her mom treats her like shit and that is way less than she deserved

"are you ok?" i asked braking the silence

"ya im fine"her gaze didnt even slightly move from the window

"aria you dont need to hide it" i told her

"and what would i be hidding?" she finally lokked at me giving me a small smile

that smile almost made me disbeileve in my thoughts

"you dont have to hide the fact that it upset you, i would be upset if i was you too"i reasured her

"jah i said im fine,you dont need to worry about me" she kept up her sweet voice and smile

"just know you can talk to me" i said

i wasnt going to force her to talk to me. if she doesnt want to then she doesnt have to. i just cant imagine what she is thinking about, she is already on anti depressents as it is.the worst part isnt what her mom did it why she did it and the fact she acted like she didnt do anything wrong after, she quite clearly knew it was going to annoy aria and she only did it because of how aria was this morning

we pulled up to my house and i got out, i went to arias side and opened the door and helped her out,she gave me a smile as i did so. i then unlocked the door allowing her to go inside before i went and got her bags. after getting the bags i locked my car and went inside putting them up stairs in my room

"do want anything to eat?" i asked once i got down stairs

"nah im good for anything"she said"oh by the way mrs cleo i love your sofa"

her smiles are so convincing. i cant imagaine how much practice she must have had to learn how to do it this well

"oh hi ma i didnt realise you were back from work" i said walking into the kitchen

"i wasnt suppost to be but its just a few emails so i can do that at home " she explained

"thats good, umm aria is going to stay her for a while if thats ok"

" of course it is aria is always welcome, plus i lime her a lot more than your old hoes" she smiled

"do you really have to bring that shit up"

"of course i do, you fucked your life up so imma remid you of it so it doesnt happen again"

"ok well i gotta unpack arias stuff" i told her before going back into the living room

"so do you wanna have your own room or go in my room?"

" its up yo you"

"my room it is, imma just unpack yo stuff"

i then went up stairs and began unpacking, putting her cloths with the other clothes i bought her and her make up at the vanity i bought so i could take her make up shopping

i organised every thing and then went back down stairs

"hey ma, were is aidin?"

" he is at his friends house, i was just about to ask if you could pick him u for me" ma said

" ya sure ill do that now" i agreed" aria do you wanna come with me

" me and aria are having girl time"ma answered for her

"k" i replied before grabbing my keys and my LV bag and going out the door

i unlocked the car and got in

i texted ma to send me the addy and she did so i put it into maps and left

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dont forget to check out my new books: trail of tears and train food

i put them out now instead of making you wait cuz i made yall go a good while without a new chapter from this book

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