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"so you and jahseh are together,you have to tell me all about it"she said like we were both in high school gosiping about boys

"well we met when i came over with ski,trippie and alekes. they were gonna make me leave but you said i should stay"i smiled

"its a good thing i did,i havent seen jahseh this happy in years"

"ya he does have that sad side to him, he is very good at hidding it" i remembered the cuts on his wrist and how he tried to play it off like it was nothing

"as are you"she said

mrs cleo has taught jah how to read peoples emotions very well, they are both very good at it

"anyway we were kinda just hitting it off from the very start tbh"

"ya he alawys seemed to like you,although yall havent known each other for very long it seems like a liufe time"

she is right , it does feel like a life time

"we just kinda started hanging arpund each other more often and we got pretty close"i told her

"just make sure you come to me if he does anything wrong, ill slap some sence into that thick skull of his"she laughed causing me to laugh a little too

ater what seemed like hours of talking about jah

we were both laughing when we heard a knock on the door

"thats probably him"mrs cleo said

we both walked to the door and she oppened it revealing the boys, she then let them in

"sorry that took so long, i got aidin food on the way back" jahseh informed

"its good we had fun when you were out any way" mrs cleo said

"aria" aidin runs up to me giving me a hug "i missed you"

" i missed you too aidin"i smiled

"are you staying over?" he asked me

"yeah ill probably be here for a few days"

"good cuz me and jah jah were wondering if we can all have a movie night?"

" of course we can" i gave him a big smile"cwe can all go to walmart and get some snacks if that s ok with mrs chleo"

" always just make sure yall dont keep him up to late" she said

"i dont need to go to walmart my snack is right here"jahseh joked

"dont be saying that shit to yo momma" i hit his shoulder

"yo chill" he giggles

"so what we watching" aidin askred

"how about that new trollz movie" jah suggested

" sounds good to me" i srugged


"aidin that enough skittles,youll be bouncing off the walls if you eat that many" i said making him put one of the seven packets back

we had already gotten popcorn,skittles,marshmellows,chips,choclate and harrybows. i watched as aiidin put several more sweets into the cart

jahseh had gone to get some ice cream so i was minding aidin

jah came up to us putting the ice cream into the cart

"ok is there anything else yall want before we go?" jahseh askes

"nah thats it we got loads" i say

we went and paid before leaving and walking to jahs car,aidin got in while me and jah put the shopping in the trunk

"so what movie should we watch when aidin goes to sleep?"jah asked putting the ice cream in the small freezer box he had

"anything you want"i replied

"so hentai"jahseh looked at me and giggled slightly

"if you want to" i shrugged

he gave me a smile

"so you watch hentai"he asked me

"ya, who wouldnt?" i responded

"weird mfs"

"exactly" i said

we both got in the car and he started it, then left


do yall like it?

just a quick warning, smut in next chapter

dont forget yall can text me if youwant

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