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Me and jah was sat on his bed, we had already taken a shower and were watching TV.



"Can we talk"

A confused look spread across his face

"Uhhh sure"he turned off the TV giving me his full attention

"So a while ago we was going to tell eachother shit about our past, can we do that now?" I asked him

"Yeah, ok, I went first last time so it's your turn" he told me

"Umm, so my dad was ummm abusive to say the least, my mom didn't really care but I'm not sure if that was because she was scared or not" she continued"anyway, when I was about five I was in the living room and

Flash back

"Aria?" Dad asked

"Yess" I replied smiling

"Go get your mom" he told me

"Ok" I agreed

I walked my small legs up the big stairs, for a normal person it would be easy but I'm small so walking up the stairs us like climbing a mountain. I opened my momma's bedroom door. I couldn't see her so I checked the bathroom, she wasn't there either. I noticed a small note on her bed side cabnit.

I walked down stairs looking at it confused

"Dad I couldn't find momma up stairs all I could find was this" I handed him the note that I grasped in my small hands

The note read 'im sick of you, I ate you and these kids. So instead of living this misreble ass life with you and those little rats you call children in going to live with a much better man, more successful at that so have fun living your bullshit ass life around these bullshit ass people'

Dad looked very angry. The look on his face scared me. I had never seen him so angry

"You know what this is yours and that brother of yours fault" he spat at me

I didn't know what I did wrong all I did was hand him a price of paper

"B-but I didn't-" he cut me off

A felt his cold hand hit my face making me stumble and fall over. Dad had never hit me before, I didn't know what to do

"It's. All. Your. Fucking. Fault" he said kicking me in my stomach between each word.

I started coughing up blood. My little body hurt be he never stopped hiting me. He picked my tiny body up by the collar of my Minny mouse t-shirt. I whimpered in pain, scared of what he might do next. He hit my head off of the wall Thet was next to us. After that everything went black

End of flashback

"Aria I'm sorry you had to go through that" he said to me

"Why you sorry, it's not like you did it, anyway this shit built me to be the person I am today, everything you go through builds you as a person" I shrugged

"But being built from pain isn't good" he told me

"It doesn't matter it's your turn" I changed the subject

"When I was about six, my mom has this boyfriend. At first everything was good but they started to argue more. Eventually what was just words turned to phisical violence. So one day I heard them argue. I was going to just cover my ears with my pillow but I heard a vase break and my mom scream. It scared me but in the moment I had alot of adrenaline. I ran into the room they were in and picked up a shard of the broken glass and stabbed the man half to death, my mom freaked out and called the hospital and they took him in, she got so mad. That was the first thing that made me think that my mom hated me" he said

"Jahseh you know, your mom could never hate you. To be honest I don't think anyone could" I told him

We layed on the bed cuddling up to eachother. My head was on his shoulder and he had his arm around my waist.

I blacked out

Ya dis some weird ass timing for Skyler to want to come say hello


I looked down at her. I seen that her eyes were different,

"Hi sky" I said

"Hi jah"

"Funny time for you to show up"

"Well damn bruh, if you want me to leave just say it" she said bluntly

"Nah you good, I'm just playing around" I said

"Jah you know I love you right?" She said

Mhm that's a new one, she loves me, wasn't she trying to kill me not to long ago. This time she isn't full of anger or lust she is just chill

"I love you too sky"

Truthfully I do, I love aria and sky. Although I prefer aria cuz she don't want to kill me and she is an amazing person. I still do love sky. She is like a more agressive version of aria.

I talked to sky for a while. She is actually pretty nice. I looked down at her to see she was fast asleep. Mhm a chill less murderous Skyler. That's definitely new


How y'all like this one. It's very informative, ya not really its pretty ass but fuck it I've already typed it all out

I love y'all

Look at our sexy husband

Look at our sexy husband

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