2~ son like mother

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Todoroki POV

When my eyes blink open, my nose is already filled with the pleasant smell of coffee and what I presume to be fried eggs.


I slowly sit up, looking around in confusion. I can hear yelling coming from somewhere, but can't really tell who's arguing or what they're arguing about.
I lie in a comfortable yet unfamiliar bed, in a room I don't know.
I don't remember how I got here.
Yesterday, I couldn't take it anymore and climbed through the window in my room, then just ran, not sure where to. Not sure what direction.
Not sure how I was able to run or even walk a straight line. My head hurt like crazy and actually still does.

When I touch my forehead, I feel the rough texture of bandages and when I look down, I see unfamiliar clothes.

This is all really weird.

Carefully, I get up, once again having to learn the hard way, that walking is pretty difficult with a sprained ankle. But, it seems like that was also taken care of somehow, by someone,
because it doesn't hurt as bad as it did yesterday. I think I hurt it by not landing properly when jumping from the roof of the garage, which I landed on when jumping out of my second story room.
The next few steps are painful, but I endure it. I bite down on my lip and take a deep breath in, then out, trying to breathe out the pain.
I peek out into the hallway.
Seems like I'm in an apartment. It doesn't seem very small, actually relatively big- almost a loft.
My ears catch the sound of the arguing voices from before again, this time a bit clearer. Both they and the smell guide me, down the hallway to a door I presume leads to the kitchen.
That's when the door swings open and I fall over backwards as someone runs into me.

I mutter.

"Oh honey, are you okay~"
Someone asks and crouches down beside me.

I stare at the middle aged woman infront of me. She's holding a cup of coffee in her hands and has a friendly, worried smile on her oddly familiar face.

"What a moron"
A second, also oddly familiar voice sounds behind me.
Before I can turn around to see who it is, someone grabs me under my armpits, lifting me back to my feet easily.

"That's because you ran into him, you useless brat"
The woman's friendly tone of voice is gone. Like a switch was flipped, she's now frowning angrily at the person behind me.

"How is it my fault that this nerd was creeping around, not saying anything to make himself noticed!?"
The person behind me yells back.



I'm sure now. I wasn't sure before but I am now. I turn around and stare at him, dumbfounded.

What am I doing at Bakugou's house?

"You don't remember, huh?"
He raises an eyebrow.

I shake my head.

"Come and eat something. Katsuki can explain it to you"
The woman says and I look back at her. She smiles as she walks back into the kitchen.

I'm pushed from behind and just fall over.
Bakugou catches me, by wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me against his.

"Can you still not walk?"

"I-I can. You just pu-ahh!"
I'm swooped off of my feet and carried into the kitchen bridal style. He sits me down on a chair and his mother sets down a plate infront of me. Scrambled eggs, bacon, tomatoes, cucumber and toast.
I look at Bakugou, who sat down beside me and now has his head on the table.

His mother sighs.

"You tell him. I don't want to talk to him"
He mutters. This earns him a hit on the head with a magazine.

"I'm gonna go get ready. I'm going out with some friends of mine."
She leaves the room, leaving the two of us behind.

"Were you hit by a car or something?''
Bakugou turns to face me, his head still on the table.

"Y-yeah. I got hit my a car"

He pauses for a second, staring straight at me.
"Your a terrible liar."

I stay quiet and he shrugs
"Not like I care much anyway. Okay, so let's say after your accident, you were able to drag yourself to an alleyway, like a dying cat. That's where I found you"

"And you brought me to your house?"

He scoffs.
"What kind of hero ignores someone passing out in the streets? Someone they know at that"

I shrug.

"Start eating"
He says and points at the plate infront of me.

"I'm not that h-"

"I'll stuff it down your throat"
He cuts me off and glares.

"Fine. I'll eat"
He sighs and starts eating.
It tastes pretty good.

"I don't mean to pry or make it seem like I give a shit, but....I also bandaged your arm"
My eyes widen and I almost choke on the tomato.
It's true. He put bandages on the deep cuts and gashes, that were bleeding like crazy just a few hours ago.

"Keep the sob stories to yourself."
He sits up properly.
"In my opinion though, you can't become a hero if you can't even save yourself"

"Like you said. It's none of your concern"
I say and glare at him.

"Yeah, whatever"
He sighs.
"Anyway, you want my mom to drive you back home?"

I choke on another tomato.
"No. I can go myself."

"You can?"
He raises an eyebrow.
Before I can say anything to stand my ground, the door opens again.

"Do you like the food?"
The woman asks.

"Yes it's very good. Thank you"
I answer.

"That's good"
She smiles and goes over to a fridge.

"You know..."
She says.
"Some kids bring home stray cats or even hedgehogs, but my son....that brat brings home a passed out handsome boy"
She laughs and I can't help but smirk a little.
Being called handsome feels weird.

"Anyway, I saw on the news that your father will be out of country for a while. Does that mean you'll be alone?"
She asks, her voice sounding a bit worried.

"Yes ma'am"
I nod.

"Is that so...."
She mutters.

"Mom! No!"
Bakugou suddenly pleeds.

"Shut up"
She snaps at him, then turns to me.
"Hun, you're injured and there's no one to watch over you at home, right?"
I nod carefully.
Not like my father would care or watch over me if he were home, but I guess she's right.

"Why don't you stay with us for a little while?"

1119 words

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