19- sick pt.3

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Baku POV

His head drops, landing in the bowl. No movement after that.

I stand up, the chair clattering behind me as it's knocked over.
I lift his head to the side, carefully placing it on the table, then go around.

"Sho! Wake up! Come on, what's wrong?"
I say, gently slapping the back of my hand against his cheek. But he doesn't react. There's no movement, no flinching, no groan- nothing.

I yell and put my hand against my forehead, starting to pace nervously.
I take out my phone and decide to call an ambulance, while grabbing onto my passed out boyfriend's hand tightly.

"Come on. I'll get you downstairs, yes?"
I say to the unconscious boy.
"You'll be okay. You'll be taken to the hospital and they will help you"

"Fuck. This can't be happening right now"
I mutter as I try to blink away the tears.
"This has got to be a fucking nightmare"


"What the actual fuck!? What the hell do you mean I'm not allowed to see him!?"

"Please, calm down. He is not allowed to have any visitors exept for immediate family"
The male nurse, blocking my way to the room, says.

"He is my-"
I cut myself off and sigh.
"Listen, he's my best friend and staying with me at the time. I just want to check on him. I need to know that he's okay"

"I can assure you-"

"Fuck off! Just let me in!"
I yell, grabbing the guy by his collar.
"Don't try me"
I hold my already crackling hand next to his face, the sparks leaving tiny marks on his skin.

"Bakugou, are you insane!?"
Someone grabs me, twisting my arms behind my back.

"Let me the hell go, man!"
I yell, trying to free myself from the rock hard grip on me.

"I'm really sorry. I'll take him outside to calm down"
The guy holding me says and pulls me along.

"Fuck off Kirishima! This is none of your buisness!"

"Calm down, bro"
He says in a calm tone of voice. He let's me go as we reach the waiting room and sits down in one of the free chairs, far off from the busy reception.

I sink into the chair next to him, burrying my face in my hands as tears well up in my eyes. This whole situation is so messed up, but I still can't do anything exept for think about Sho.
He's asleep,
all alone.
I'm the one who has sat next to him the last few nights, holding his hand, as he threw up every few hours. I'm the one taking care of him.
I'm the one who's always looking out for him and the one who's taken care of him when he got beat the fuck up by his asshole of a father.
And now, I can't even check if he's okay.
I can feel the stinging pain in my chest, that just makes me want to break down and cry.
All I wanted to do, is check on my boyfriend and now...

"Bakugou....what is going on? Last time I checked, you were just fine... just chilling at home with Todoroki"
Kirishina asks.

"Well nothing is fucking fine now, Kirishima"
I snap at him, then look up, blinking away some unwated tears. Though the neon fluorescent hospital light makes me squint and close my eyes again.

"No need to be like that"
Kirishima scoffs next to me and crosses his arms infront of his chest.

"He...he passed out. From the fever or something. It messed with his quirk and made his body cool down or heat up or something, I don't understand it myself. So I didn't notice."

"Shit. That sucks. And you can't see him because you're not a family member?"

I nod a little, staring down at my fimgers.

"What a shitty rule"
He scoffs and I chuckle.


We fall silent. The two of us sit there without saying a word, but somehow, I still find it to be comforting. Not that I'm not upset anymore -because I'm still completely pissed off and want to kill that nurse- it's just that being alone in this situation would make things worse.

"Thanks man"
I mumble, not bothering to define what exactly I'm thankful for.

"No problem"
He fist bumps me, knowing exactly what I mean.

"Why are you here anyway? What about Mina?"

"After pacing up and down the street for a while, thinking about what to say, I made up my mind to go see her. But as I was walking, I saw an ambulance turn into your street. I had a bad gut feeling and when I got back to your place, you were just carrying him outside. I figured he'd be brought here and thought you wouldn't want to be alone."

"First of all: creep."
I say


"But still...thanks a lot bro."

"No problem. I love you man"
He says and holds out his fist.

"Love you too bro"

~2 hours later~

"You can go home y'know?"
I say to Kirishima, not bothering to look up from my phone.

"I'm not going until either you leave or you get to see your honey"
He answers, his eyes glued to his own screen.

"Don't say honey like that"
I sigh and glance at him.

"Why not? Not like it's not true. Don't tell me you don't have pet names?"

I lie
"We don't"

"For real?"

"Does Icyhot, Half 'n' Half, Snowman, moron or half Elsa count?"

"No. It's stuff like honey, hun, babe, teddy bear, cutie, boo....stuff like that"

"Teddy bear? Seriously?"
I scoff

He nods.

"Kinda weird, don't ya think?"

"I think it's sweet"

"I already cringe at the image of you calling Mina that"

"I would never"
He says, taking an unnecessarily long pause.
"It'd be Boo-Boo-bear."

Both of us laugh and I shake my head.
"But y'know...now that I think about it, I have used one of those one or the other time."

"Really? Which one? Is it honey? It's honey, right?"

"How did you come to that conclusion?"
I scoff, finally turning my head to look at him.

"Well, since you two are living together, it had to be a either hun or honey. And since Mina calls him and frankly everyone hun...."

"Well, you're wrong"

"Really which one is it?"

"Excuse me. You are Bakugou Katsuki, right?"
A familiar male nurse standing infront of me says. I have no idea since when he's been there. Creep.

I glare at him.

"The patient you wanted to see has woken up and won't stop asking for you. He's explained the situation with him living with your family to me and I owe you an apology."

" 'Kay."
I shrug
"Can I go see him now?"

"Of course. Follow me"
He turns around and starts walking.

"It's Daddy"
I whisper to Kirishima and get up to follow the nurse, leaving my friend behind, shaking his head in disbelief.

I turn around one last time and smile at him a little, just to flip him off. He simply winks and smiles back.

1199 words

I LOVE the Baku and Kiri Bromance

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