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"Todoroki, Bakugou."
Aizawa says, suddenly standing infront of us.

"I swear he started it"
Katsuki says and I kick him under the table.

"What is it?"
I ask our teacher.
With a raised eyebrow, he looks from Katsuki over to me.

"You two. Please go to the principal's office."

"Both of us?"
I ask confused.


I say and get up, Katsuki doing the same. When someone is called to the principals office during lunch, they're in huge trouble. And unlike my boyfriend, I don't usually cause any problems.

"Do you think this is because of the bathroom door?"
Katsuki whispers, walking just behind me.

"Could be. But that wouldn't explain why I have to be there too"
I answer in a whisper.
He destroyed one of the stall doors a few days ago. I didn't really understand his reasoning when he tried to explain it though. Something about getting upset about a lot of different things and not being able to hold it in any longer. But since I already know about his little anger management issues, I'm not surprised. He has to let that anger out in some way or another. Then I prefer it being let out on a door than on other people.

I freeze in my tracks.
"You don't think it could be because of us dating, could it?"
I ask, an unwanted tremble in my voice.

"I don't see how that could be a problem or have any effect on the school"
Bakugou answers and keeps walking. Now I'm the one walking close behind him.
We eventually reach the office, where we find principal Nezu waiting outside.

"Ah yes hello"
He says.
"Just go on inside. I normally don't allow this, but I'll make an exception here. Please enter."

"Okay. Thank you"
I say and nod, not knowing what he could be talking about. Nezu starts walking away, towards the teacher's lounge.

"What the fuck?"
Katsuki says and glances over at me.

"I'm confused"
I mumble and look at the door.

"I have a bad gut feeling though"
Bakugou adds mumbling as well.

"So do I"
I grab clutch his arm tightly, hoping for the pit in my stomach to disappear. It does in fact become smaller, but sadly doesn't disappear completely.

"Are you scared?"
He asks me with a smirk.

I stutter, not helping my point.

"Then let's go in"
He opens the doors, just to immediately take a step back, pushing me behind his back.

"What do you want here?"
Katsuki's voice is deep all of a sudden. Very deep, making him sound very aggressive.

I push myself past him, but when I see what- or better who- is now standing infront of me, I freeze, instinctively grabbing my lover's hand.

"Not entering?"
The man asks, an eyebrow raised as he skeptically eyes the both of us.
Despite not wanting to, Katsuki and I step inside, closing the door behind us.

"Shoto. You will stop this nonsense and return back home."
My father says.
"You two will break-"

"Oh fuck off!"
Katsuki cuts him off. When I flinch Katsuki turns to me, his frown melting into a reassuring smile.
Realizing I have to man up a little too, I let go of his hand and, with an angry expression, turn to my father.

"I left for a reason"
I state.

"But you cannot stay away from home for ever. Stop this nonsense and return back to where you belong. This person is not who you should be around and definitely should not have any kind of so-called relationship with. What you are doing is ridiculous on every level."

"Listen you homophobic ass, this is an actual relationship, not that it's any of your concern! Even if we were to break up, do you seriously think he would just return to being a mindless puppet like you want him to!? Fuck no!"
Katsukis yells.

"Is that so?"
My father looks at me, an angry look on his face.

I say
''Katsuki is right. I can become a hero on my own. Frankly, I'll make even more process without you beating the life out of me all the time!"

This feels right. But also wrong. I feel so good saying all of this, with someone in my corner, backing and supporting me.

"So go to hell"
Katsuki adds.

"What you are doing is wrong."
The huge man takes a step closer. When he leans down, he comes face to face with Katsuki.
"Do you not think there will be any consequences?"

"I could ask you the same"
Katsuki answers, a cocky smirk appearing on his face.
"What kind of hero beats his own child? And what kind of person would still want to be protected by someone like that?"

My father's eye twitches as he tries to stare down the stubborn boy, doing the same.

My father says, his gaze now meeting mine.
"You have until the end of the day to make a decision. Rethink whether or not you are ready to loose everything for...this"
He looks back at Katsuki as he says this with an appethetic tone to it.
Now I really have to watch out for Katsuki. He doesn't just bark after all.

"Here's a suggestion"
Katsuki says.
"Just leave him the hell alone. Fulfill your financial duties as a parent, but other than that....stay the fuck out of his life!"

"You little-"
My father reaches out for Katsuki

"Do not touch him"
I yell, cutting him off mid-sentence.
He looks at me with a surprised and at the same time shocked expression, then let's his huge arm fall back to his side.
"Tch. Yet another failure"
The man sighs as he leaves the office.

"Are you okay?"
Katsuki asks as soon as the door closes.

"Fresh air"
Is the only response I give him and he nods.
When we're outside, a corner where we can't be seen by others, I practically fall into Katsuki's arms.
He holds me tight and strokes my hair.

I say into his shoulder.
"This is stressing me out"

"Yes. I know."
He hugs me even tighter.
"But you ll be okay"

"But what if-"

"No 'what if's and no 'but's."
He cuts me off and kisses my head.

"I want to go home and cry"
I say with a trembling voice, clinging onto him ever so tightly.

"That's okay then, my love. We'll be home soon, you can cry as much as you want to then, yes?"

"Thank you"

"No problem. You're okay now. I won't let anything happen to you"
He kisses my head yet again, helping me calm down a little.

"I love you"

"I love you too"


1126 words

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