18- sick pt.2

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"You've been sick for two days straight, but you're not getting any better."
Katsuki says as he touches my forehead.

"Yeah. I noticed"
I roll my eyes at him.

"No need to be so bitchy"
He rolls his eyes back at me.

"I'm sick. I can be bitchy all I want."

"Of course you can"
He mumbles.
"All right. Sorry to leave you here, but I gotta go to school. I'll bring you the worksheets if we get any"

"Okay. See you later."
I kiss his cheek.

"I really can't stay"
He says.

"I know. That's why I said I'll see you later"
I answer confused.

"I really hate leaving you alone when you're sick, but I can't ditch."

"I know"
I repeat.


"I know."

"....Just say the word and I'll stay"

I sigh.


"Get your ass our of here. I'm trying to sleep"
I throw a pillow at his face.

"All right, All right! Fine! I'm leaving! See?"
He walks over to the door, where he stops.
"Call me when-"

I say, laughing with a hoarse voice.

"Okay bye then"
He leaves the room.
Then his head pops back in and he whispers:
"Love you"

"Yeah yeah you too"
I sigh.

Just when I'm about to get up to retrieve my pillow, Katsuki's mother walks in with a cup of hot tea.

"How are you feeling?"
She asks and picks up the pillow, throwing it back over to me.

"A bit better"
I lie.

She raises an eyebrow and sits on the bed next to me.


"Poor you"
She pats my head and hands me the warm cup.
"This'll help your voice to come back. Take it easy, you can stay home as long as you need to"

I say with a smile.
She said I could stay home. Eventhough this is their home, not mine. She and her husband have put up with me staying here and now even let me stay when I'm sick. She treats me with just as much care and kindness as she does Katsuki. Though she doesn't yell at me as much, she's also scolded me for things, like I was her son.
I kinda do actually feel like they've become my family.

"And thank you for letting me stay here"
I say.

"Well...I found it a bit weird at first, but now that I've gotten used to it, there's not that much of a difference from any other day in the past years. When I'm shopping, I'll be like: 'I wonder what the boys want to eat.' or 'Shoto likes these chips, I should get him some.' and won't even notice."

"You don't have to get me anything, really!"

"But I want to, honey. That's what I was trying to say. You can stay here whenever you want or need to"
She says as she gets up.

"I appreciate your kindness"

"But! I want you to take care of Katsuki for me. And keep him in check."

"I will"
I laugh a little and she smiles at me softly.

"I'm off to work then. Make sure to rest and drink a lot"

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