3~ Boo!

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"There you are"
Bakugou sighs annoyed. He's leaning against the wall next to the gate with his arms crossed infront of him.

"Thank you for waiting"
I say.
What I actually want to say is: couldn't you have waited inside?

He mutters and starts walking.
I follow him.
For the next few days, I'm going to stay with him and his family. Yesterday, we even got some of my stuff from my father's house and brought them to his. Or better, his mother and I did. I know Bakugou himself doesn't want me around and frankly, I feel completely out of place. I assume he's gonna avoid being home with me at any cost, though.

"You better remember the way from school to my house. I'm gonna leave you behind next time"
He says.

"I had cleaning duty. In fact, I'm pretty sure you were supposed to help me."

"....I don't think so"

"No, I'm sure you did. Because you destroyed that desk, remember?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about"
He says with a smirk and lifts his arms and shoulders, as if to emphasize that he 'doesn't know about anything'.
I smirk a little, trying not to laugh.

"The hag isn't gonna be home until late"
He says, falling back into his usual demeanor.

"You shouldn't call your mother a hag. She is a nice woman and you should respect her."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"
He raises an eyebrow and looks at me from the side.

"Someone who respects their elders."
I answer and shrug.

"God you are so annoying. How long are you staying again?"

"It wasn't exactly my first choice either. But your mother is pretty persuasive."

"I think the word you're looking for is overprotective...or just plain crazy"

"Does your father not live with you?"
I ask, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Buisnesstrip. He'll be back when you're gone."

"I see."
I mumble. He suddenly stops in his tracks, just to shake his head and keep walking, his stride gradually getting faster.
It's as if he just realized that he actually can't stand me. As if he noticed he wasn't wearing his usual grimm expression, projecting a don't-talk-to-me aura.

But I get it. I wouldn't want to talk to me either. I feel bad for him having to put up with me staying at his house.


I'm done with all of my homework, so I'm not sure what to do. At home, I'd have to train with father...
It's weird staying in someone else's house.

I sit on the couch, looking around the room. It's pretty big -apropiate for the huge apartment.
I relax a little, letting out a deep sigh and lean back, slumping down a little.

Someone next to my ear and I shoot right back up, falling off of the couch.
Bakugou starts laughing and pointing his finger at me, trying to say something.
He goes over to laughing again.

"Haha. Very funny"
I mutter, rubbing my head, which I hit on the little table in the middle of the room.

"You scare so easily?"
He asks, having calmed down a bit. He jumps onto the couch and looks down at me.

"No. I don't."

"So then you're just jumpy?"

Yes, I am. But I have a good reason for that.

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